Meet Lindsay from the Lean Green Bean

Lindsay Livingston is the Columbus-based registered dietitian behind the Lean Green Bean – an endearing health blog filled with nourishing recipes and workout ideas along with cute fur baby pics and updates on Lindsay’s developing baby bump.

A self-proclaimed CrossFit addict, Lindsay loves to cook, eat and take pictures of food. All these passions led her to create a blog where she could share her adventures in the kitchen, at the gym and more.

She not only creates delicious and nutritious recipes for you, she walks the talk by sharing exactly what she eats throughout the week in her “Weekly Eats” posts. She also blogs about her workouts and what she does when she’s not sitting behind her computer.

We jumped at the chance to chat with Lindsay about her inspiration, the words she lives by, her favorite foods and more.


What inspired you to become a registered dietitian?
I was teaching preschool when I first graduated from college and had kids in my class that were already obese by age four. I wanted to do something to change that!

What inspired you to start blogging?
I was constantly sharing pictures of things I made for dinner or baked for fun on Facebook. My husband and friends encouraged me to start a blog, so I’d have a place to store and share all the recipes.

What are the words you live by when it comes to health and nutrition?
“Small changes add up to big results.”
“Everything in moderation.”

Favorite food to eat:
Quesadillas or eggs!

Favorite food to make:
I love making casseroles because they’re so easy to customize and pack with veggies, beans, etc.

Favorite trick of the trade when it comes to cooking:
I love bulking up things like tomato sauce by adding Greek yogurt or pureed white beans for an extra boost of protein or fiber.

Favorite healthy food substitutes:
Using fruit like bananas or applesauce to replace sugar when baking.

One piece of advice for people that want to start learning more about health and nutrition:
Start small and figure out what works for you. Just because someone else is doing something doesn’t mean it’s the best choice for you. Do your research and then decide what changes you want to make.

What is the hobby you don’t get to do nearly enough?
I love hiking…but don’t get to do it nearly as much as I’d like since I live in Central Ohio.

The quote you live by:
“Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.” – Earl Nightingale

What’s the most common question you get from your readers?
“How can I eat healthy during the week if I’m really busy?”
My answer: Food prep! Spending even an hour on the weekends prepping food for the week ahead can help you make healthy choices even when your days are busy.