glyphosate Archives - Best Food Facts Wed, 13 Sep 2017 18:27:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Glyphosate in Food Wed, 13 Sep 2017 10:53:32 +0000 How did a chemical weed killer get into breakfast cereal? Is this a health hazard? We received a question from Rob: “Just saw a report on glyphosate contamination in popular foods. Results were expressed in ppb versus ppm. Should consumers be concerned with this report?” The report found that foods such as Cheerios, Goldfish Crackers,...

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How did a chemical weed killer get into breakfast cereal? Is this a health hazard?

We received a question from Rob: “Just saw a report on glyphosate contamination in popular foods. Results were expressed in ppb versus ppm. Should consumers be concerned with this report?”

The report found that foods such as Cheerios, Goldfish Crackers, Oreos and Doritos contain residues of the chemical glyphosate. Also known by the name Roundup, glyphosate is used to kill weeds in crops. Wayne Parrott, PhD, and William Vencill, PhD, professors in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences at the University of Georgia, provided some insight.

One of the things we wanted to know was how glyphosate could get into these foods. Dr. Parrott explained that the chemical has been used in agriculture since the 1970s.

“They are giving the impression that foods are contaminated with glyphosate, and if the glyphosate was not there, the foods would be otherwise pure, which is false. They found glyphosate in foods because they looked for it. Had they looked for other herbicides used in agriculture, they would probably have found them too,” he said.

Now to the first part Rob’s question. The report stated that Cheerios contained 1,125.3 ppb (or parts per billion) of the chemical. What’s the difference between ppb and ppm?

Dr. Vencill and Dr. Parrott: “Residues in foods are normally measured in ppm (parts per million) with 1 ppm being equivalent to about 7,500 people out of all the people on earth. A ppb is a part per billion, which is a really small unit of measurement, equal to 7 or 8 people out of everyone on the planet.”

The thing Rob and all of us really want to know is if this level of contamination is something to cause concern. The experts said these levels are “way too low” to worry about. The EPA conducts extensive safety tests, which are used to set the maximum level of chemical residues that food can contain and still be safe.

“On top of that, the EPA sets a safety margin by setting allowable residues at 100 to 1,000 times lower than the level that is considered hazardous,” he said. View the EPA safety levels for glyphosate. All of the foods that were tested showed to be below the EPA safe levels.


We also asked why glyphosate herbicide is used so much in growing crops.

Dr. Vencill and Dr. Parrott: “Glyphosate continues to be widely used because few, if any other herbicides, are as safe, effective, and economical.  By safe, I mean safer than table salt.”

Glyphosate shows up in many foods because it is used by farmers to raise food. The amount detected in foods is very small and well within the range determined to be safe by government agencies.

Originally published Dec. 9, 2016.

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What’s All the Buzz about Glyphosate? Fri, 19 Aug 2016 13:19:45 +0000 // Originally posted on October 28, 2014. We have seen lots of consumer questions about glyphosate. Glyphosate, also referred to as “Roundup,” is an herbicide used in agriculture to kill weeds. So what’s all the buzz about glyphosate? Some resources link this herbicide to making crops more susceptible to disease, killing beneficial microorganisms, robbing plants of...

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Originally posted on October 28, 2014.

We have seen lots of consumer questions about glyphosate. Glyphosate, also referred to as “Roundup,” is an herbicide used in agriculture to kill weeds. So what’s all the buzz about glyphosate? Some resources link this herbicide to making crops more susceptible to disease, killing beneficial microorganisms, robbing plants of nutrients and more. We decided to reach out to Wayne Parrott, PhD, Professor in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences at the University of Georgia, and Tony Shelton, PhD, Professor of Entomology at Cornell University, to cut through conflicting information.

The Takeaway: Like other herbicides used in the United States in both organic and conventional agriculture, glyphosate is regulated and poses no concern with regard to human health. Herbicides help increase yields, which help to feed a growing population.

Is it true that glyphosate ends up in your body after eating crops treated with it?

Dr. Parrott: “A little bit of many different chemicals all end up in the body. There is nothing different or unusual about glyphosate in that regard. The important thing is that when it is found in the body, it is in levels many times lower than what EPA considers safe. In other words, there is no cause for concern.”

When eating plants treated with this herbicide, will the residue kill beneficial microorganisms, messing up the ratio between good and bad bacteria in your gut?

Dr. Parrott: “No. No one has ever shown data that this happens. It remains firmly in the realm of speculation.”

Does glyphosate poison the soil for all plants?

Dr. Parrott: “Glyphosate has been in use for some 30 years, during which yields have increased about 1 percent per year. Such sustained yield increases would not be possible if glyphosate was poisoning the soil. If the charge was true, one would see a barren wasteland when driving through the Midwest, rather than the fertile fields of corn and soybean that grow there today.”

Is glyphosate used on non-GMO crops, too?

Dr. Shelton: “This question isn’t as simple as yes or no. Roundup (glyphosate) is used when a Roundup Ready crop emerges along with surrounding weeds. The weeds are killed by glyphosate, but not the crop. Growers would only spray a Roundup Ready crop with glyphosate. However, non-GM growers also use glyphosate to kills weeds prior to plowing and getting a field ready to plant a crop.”

Are micronutrients in treated plants reduced?

Dr. Parrott: “No. Again, speculation. Nutrient levels do vary in plants, but that depends on the variety and location grown.”

Does glyphosate reduce nitrogen fixation – a process where nitrogen in the atmosphere is converted into ammonium?

Dr. Parrott: “There is a kernel of truth in the claim that glyphosate decreases nitrogen fixation – it does for about 2-3 days after application, and some plants even get a ‘yellow flash’ during that period. But then, everything returns to normal, and yield is not affected.”

Chafer Sentry” by Chafer Machinery is licensed under CC BY.

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Are We Being Poisoned By Glyphosate? Wed, 08 Apr 2015 16:40:56 +0000 // Glyphosate, also referred to as “Roundup,” used in agriculture to kill weeds, has been in the news lately. We wondered, what are the human health implications of glyphosate use on crops? Is glyphosate poisoning us? To find out more, we reached out to Jeff Graybill, MS, CCA, Agronomy Extension Education at Penn State University. Are...

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Glyphosate, also referred to as “Roundup,” used in agriculture to kill weeds, has been in the news lately. We wondered, what are the human health implications of glyphosate use on crops? Is glyphosate poisoning us? To find out more, we reached out to Jeff Graybill, MS, CCA, Agronomy Extension Education at Penn State University.

Are more chemicals used on GMOs than other crops/foods?

Jeff Graybill:

There is potential for less to be used, especially on crops that have a GMO technology that provides insect resistance. This means you can use less insecticide because the plant is producing a natural chemical that protects it from the pest.

When it comes to weed control, as more farmers use no-till farming (farming without plowing, allowing for much less disturbance to the soil) and work to build a more healthy and natural soil, they have to find a way to control the weeds without tillage. If farmers are growing non-GMO corn, they will often still use glyphosate to control the weeds before the corn is planted. If farmers are growing GMO corn, glyphosate can be used over the top of the corn because it is no longer affected. In most cases, glyphosate is used regardless of whether it is a GMO, and it does an excellent job of controlling the weeds. It’s not that more chemical is used if it’s GMO. The timing of the chemicals is just different.

What safeguards are in place to ensure GMOs sprayed with pesticides are safe?

Jeff Graybill:

The United States has an extensive regulatory system, and whether it’s industrial chemical or household chemical or herbicide or insecticide, it goes through very extensive toxicology testing to look at the benefits and the negatives of the product. Since these chemicals are designed to kill something, when you’re looking at human and animal health implications, the regulatory agencies have very stringent standards. Any pesticide that comes to market has to be approved and certified by the EPA and other federal agencies. One of the common complaints is that the companies that sell the chemicals do the testing. This is true, but these companies are the developers of the chemicals and know them the best. They provide data to the EPA and USDA and then, that data, no matter who created it or did the research, is peer reviewed and is combed over very intensely. The government agencies then make a determination if there are any negative impacts and whether those negative impacts are outweighed by the good that the chemical will do.

How do I know there is no chemical residue on fruits and vegetables, especially those that are GMOs?

Jeff Graybill:

There can be chemical residues no matter what the product is. Whether it’s a naturally-occurring pesticide that some of the organic farmers use or one that’s manufactured, which is often based off of a compound that’s found in nature, there are tolerances set for what is a safe standard of residue. I heard a professor say one time, if you could go to the North Pole and you had instruments that were fine-tuned enough to detect parts per billion, you could find a trace of every manmade chemical that’s ever been produced in the environment. So we have to face the fact that there may be residues, but based on EPA testing, the residues are deemed safe and acceptable. It’s always a good idea to wash your fruits and vegetables because they can have very small amounts of chemical residue. The government does random testing of food to test for residues, making sure the amount of residues are below the standard determined to be safe, very similar to a drinking water standard.

Are the chemicals or products used on GMOs safe?

Jeff Graybill:

They’ve all gone through extensive testing, but they are a pesticide. They are designed to kill living organisms. If they aren’t used properly, they are not safe. But that said, if products are used according to the label, the benefits far outweigh the costs and this is true of all chemicals and pesticides, not just ones created with GMO technology. If we looked at our food system 50 years ago, we lost millions of dollars of food to insect damage and lower yields due to weed competition. We don’t see that today, because the crops are protected with chemicals.

Is it true that glyphosate, one of the chemicals used on GMOs, can cause cancer?

Jeff Graybill:

I use chemicals a lot, and I grew up on a farm. These chemicals have a label on how to use them properly, and also a material safety data sheet (MSDS), which provides information on all of the health hazards associated with that product and how to handle it. It will list all of the issues associated with it, whether it is carcinogenic, for example, whether it will cause a rash, and at what levels it would be safe (similar to drinking water standards). The MSDS for glyphosate does not list it as a known carcinogen. There are plenty of other products that at high levels, are. Glyphosate has been used for almost 40 years, long before GMO crops, and it is considered one of the safest pesticides to use because it has very low mammalian toxicity and isn’t considered a carcinogen. In my mind, glyphosate is one of the safest chemicals.

How do I know my food has not been sprayed with unsafe chemicals?

Jeff Graybill:

If you want to ensure your food has not been sprayed with chemicals, you can grow your own crops, and pick the bugs off before they destroy the food you’ve grown, and weed your garden by hand. You could also buy USDA certified organic, which would be the best way to ensure that no synthetic chemicals were used. I think people’s concern that they are eating healthy food is great, but I don’t think we’re putting things in the proper perspective. We’re concerned about a few parts per billion of pesticide residue, which I believe is not much of a danger.

Should I be worried about pesticide use?

Jeff Graybill:

We should always be worried about pesticide use. I work around chemicals and we have to respect them, but I realize, when used properly, these chemicals allow society to have a higher standard of living, as fewer people are growing our food that’s also higher quality food and are able to distribute it around the country and world. There can be negative effects, but only if it’s not used appropriately. You know – gasoline is very dangerous, it’s very explosive, but should we quit using it? Maybe, but what are we going to replace it with? We need to embrace the science and technology to understand the risks. When the chemicals are handled properly, they are very safe and productive.

Would you eat food that has been treated with glyphosate?

Jeff Graybill:

Yes, but I would still wash fresh food before I eat it.


For more information, see What’s the Safest Way to Clean Produce? and Should I Wash Fresh Fruit in Vinegar?

Sprayer Maintenance” by United Soybean Board is licensed under CC BY.

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