arsenic Archives - Best Food Facts Thu, 28 Apr 2016 22:04:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Arsenic in Rice? An Update Fri, 15 Apr 2016 21:32:13 +0000 // *This post originally appeared in October 2012 and has been updated to reflect current FDA guidelines. Last year, registered dietitian Connie Diekman offered her thoughts on arsenic in apple juice. We’ve been hearing about arsenic in rice and rice products and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently updated its consumer recommendations regarding arsenic...

The post Arsenic in Rice? An Update appeared first on Best Food Facts.

*This post originally appeared in October 2012 and has been updated to reflect current FDA guidelines.

Last year, registered dietitian Connie Diekman offered her thoughts on arsenic in apple juice. We’ve been hearing about arsenic in rice and rice products and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently updated its consumer recommendations regarding arsenic in rice cereal. Should you be concerned about eating rice or feeding rice products to your kids? To answer a few questions about this topic, Best Food Facts reached out to Dr. Brian P. Jackson, Director of Trace Metal Analysis at Dartmouth College. Check out his “True or not?” conclusion at the bottom of the post!

What is arsenic? What’s the difference between organic and inorganic arsenic?

Dr. Jackson:

“Arsenic is a naturally occurring element; it ranks 46th in abundance in the earth’s crust and is found at low levels in soils and water. Inorganic arsenic is the form of arsenic that occurs geologically in rocks and is the main form we find in soils and water. Inorganic arsenic is toxic to most forms of life at certain concentration levels; for humans, it is a class 1 carcinogen and has also been linked to a number of non-cancer diseases such as cardiovascular disease.

Organic arsenic refers to a range of different compounds, all of which contain an arsenic atom bonded to at least one carbon atom. In general, organic arsenic compounds are less toxic than inorganic arsenic. Organic arsenic compounds can occur naturally, for example, as metabolic products of bacteria or algae, or they can be man-made.”

What food and drinks contain arsenic? How does arsenic get in our food and drinks?

Dr. Jackson:

“The tools we use today are so sensitive that nearly all food and drink products will contain some measurable arsenic. Arsenic gets into food mainly through natural processes where plants take up arsenic from the soil. This could be arsenic that is naturally in the soil, derived from the rock that weathered to form the soil, or it could have been introduced by agricultural practices that are no longer used.

“In the past, inorganic arsenic was used as a pesticide, especially on orchards. That practice was largely discontinued in the 1950s; however, we are still left with ‘legacy’ arsenic that contaminates many old orchard soils. Similarly, organic arsenic compounds were used to control weeds, especially in cotton production and on golf courses. The use of these compounds has recently been discontinued by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

“A different organic arsenic compound, roxarsone, was used as a feed additive for poultry, turkey and swine. This raised concerns about levels of arsenic in chicken meat and also arsenic getting into soil through use of the manure as fertilizer, so, consequently, in 2011 roxarsone was withdrawn from use as a feed additive.

“Fruit juices have been implicated as potentially having high concentrations of arsenic relative to the drinking water standard of 10 parts per billion (ppb) for inorganic arsenic. One general hypothesis about why fruit juices could contain arsenic is that these juices are imported from countries where organic arsenic pesticides are still used. The FDA tests many juices and concentrates and has established an internal criteria of 23 ppb inorganic arsenic for juice, although the reason for this concentration limit is not clear. Consumer Reports urges a much more stringent level of 3 ppb; their 2011 study of 88 apple and grape juices found that 10 percent exceeded the 10 ppb (the safe drinking water limit) for total arsenic.”

Why is arsenic showing up in rice?

Dr. Jackson:

“The levels of arsenic in rice and rice products have also attracted a lot of attention. Compared to other grains, rice takes up, or absorbs, a lot more arsenic, and this arsenic ends up in the edible part of the plant. The unique flooded conditions under which rice is grown is the main reason that rice contains arsenic. In flooded soil, the arsenic is no longer strongly bound soil particles, but instead is present in the soil water and readily taken up by the plant. There’s now a lot of information on what factors control the concentration of arsenic in the grain. The most important factor is the type of rice, but other factors such as growing conditions, geography and soil type also have an influence.”

FDA Update:

In 2013, the FDA released test data for the levels of inorganic arsenic in most types of rice and rice-based foods and beverages consumed in the United States. That testing was expanded on infant rice cereal because, relative to body weight, infants consume about three times more rice than adults, primarily through infant rice cereal. In fact, data show that people consume the most rice, relative to their weight, at eight months of age primarily because rice cereal is commonly the centerpiece of an infant’s diet.

Are there any potential health effects to consuming foods that may contain arsenic?

FDA Update:

It has long been known that arsenic is a carcinogen. The FDA estimates that exposure to inorganic arsenic in rice and rice products causes an additional four cases of lung and bladder cancer over the lifetime for every 100,000 people in the United States. This estimate accounts for far less than one percent of the nation’s lung and bladder cancer causes.

More recently, concerns have been raised about potential developmental effects on infants as well as adverse pregnancy outcomes. The FDA completed a thorough analysis of scientific studies linking adverse pregnancy outcomes to intake of relatively high levels of inorganic arsenic during pregnancy. The FDA also found that exposure may result in a child’s decreased performance on certain developmental tests that measure learning.

What is a safe level of arsenic?

Dr. Jackson:

“There is no consensus on what is the ‘safe’ level. In Proposition 65, California has set a level of 10 micrograms of inorganic arsenic for daily exposure that would cause no significant risk levels over a lifetime of exposure. The EPA has set a limit of 0.0003 mg/kg body weight per day, which, for a 132-pound adult, would equate to a daily exposure limit of 18 micrograms. 

“So, from one standpoint even daily single servings of most rice or rice products would not exceed these relatively conservative daily ‘safe’ levels. However, one needs to factor in arsenic exposure from other food sources and, most importantly, from drinking water, to fully estimate an individual’s daily inorganic arsenic exposure. For example, you might be on city water with an arsenic concentration of 5 ppb, and if you drink two liters per day then you are already exposed to 10 micrograms of inorganic arsenic. This doesn’t leave much room for significant exposure through food as well. However, there are other factors to consider for exposure via food; for example, not all of the arsenic in the food might be absorbed by the body. There are various studies reporting 50 – 100 percent absorption ability depending on the rice type and method of cooking.”

FDA Update:

The FDA is issuing a draft guidance to industry proposing a limit, or “action level,” of 100 parts per billion inorganic arsenic in infant rice cereal. FDA testing found that the majority of infant rice cereal currently on the market either meets, or is close to, the proposed action level. This is not the first time the federal government has limited arsenic in foods or beverages. The EPA has set a limit for inorganic arsenic in drinking water, and the FDA has already set action levels, or recommended limits, for bottled water and apple juice.

How can you tell if food or drink contains arsenic? If I’m concerned about arsenic levels, should I eat local or organic food?

Dr. Jackson:

“There is really no way for the consumer to tell if a food contains arsenic, and I don’t think that eating local or organic necessarily affords much protection, either. We are not talking about very high levels here, but rather long-term low level exposure.

“While we are still not sure about the extent of the problem of arsenic exposure from rice, the solution seems quite easy. We already know a lot about the levels of inorganic arsenic in rice, and which types of rice absorb less arsenic and are relatively insensitive to other growing conditions, so manufacturers can source rice that is low in arsenic and growers can switch to types that take up less arsenic. Sourcing rice that is low in arsenic for products aimed at young kids or for the gluten-free market, where many products are rice-based, would seem like a prudent and proactive thing to do, even while we wait for the FDA to set some guidelines and regulations.

“For other concerns about arsenic and what to avoid, I advise concerned parents to consult with their child’s pediatrician.”

Should consumers be concerned about arsenic levels in food and drinks?

Dr. Jackson:

“Consumers eating a balanced and varied diet don’t need to be too concerned about exposure to arsenic through food. However, for young kids, especially infants and toddlers, who are potentially more sensitive to contaminant exposure, and for people who eat frequent (daily) servings of rice and rice products, then some concern is warranted.”

FDA Update:

If you have an infant or are pregnant, the FDA and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend:

  • Feed your baby iron-fortified cereals to be sure he or she is receiving enough of this important nutrient.
  • Rice cereal fortified with iron is a good source of nutrients for your baby, but it shouldn’t be the only source, and does not need to be the first source. Other fortified infant cereals include oats, barley and multigrain.
  • For toddlers, provide a well-balanced diet, which includes a variety of grains.

Based on the FDA’s findings, it would be prudent for pregnant women to consume a variety of foods, including varied grains (wheat, oats and barley), for good nutrition. Also, published studies and new research by the FDA indicate that cooking rice in excess water (from six to 10 parts water to one part rice) and draining the excess water can reduce 40 to 60 percent of the inorganic arsenic content, depending on the type of rice. The FDA did not find a scientific or public health basis to recommend that the general population of consumers change its rice consumption based on the presence of arsenic.

Consumers can certainly eat rice as part of a well-balanced diet. Based on its scientific assessment, the FDA says it would be prudent for parents and caretakers to feed their infants a variety of fortified infant cereals rather than to rely solely on infant rice cereal.

The image “Rice!” by Simone Bosotti is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

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Arsenic in Your Apple Juice? Expert weighs in Thu, 01 Dec 2011 06:00:00 +0000 http://localhost:32798/arsenicinapplejuice-2/  

Following up on Dr. Oz's research finding arsenic in apple juice, Connie Diekman, RD, says she's not worried about the juice we have at home in our cupboards, but she would like to see more research and education about how juice should more appropriately fit into a healful eating plan. As we exit a holiday filled with positive stories and reasons to give thanks, we find one causing much concern - and reasonably so. As reported by several online sourcestelevision showsvideos and bloggers, there are, once again, questions about arsenic in juice. 

The post Arsenic in Your Apple Juice? Expert weighs in appeared first on Best Food Facts.

Following up on Dr. Oz’s research finding arsenic in apple juice, Connie Diekman, RD, says she’s not worried about the juice we have at home in our cupboards, but she would like to see more research and education about how juice should more appropriately fit into a healthful eating plan.

As we exit a holiday filled with positive stories and reasons to give thanks, we find one causing much concern — and reasonably so. As reported by several online sources, television shows, videos and bloggers, there are, once again, questions about arsenic in juice.

Originally reported in September 2011 by Dr. Oz, a study he commissioned showed arsenic in apple and grape juices below the FDA-approved level of 23 parts per billion, but higher than the approved level of 10 parts per billion allowed in water. His study was called “irresponsible” by many, but a new study, conducted by Consumer Reports, mirrors his findings and is causing FDA to reassess whether the acceptable levels of arsenic in juices need to be adjusted, even though the consumption of juice does not match the levels of consumption for water.

Why is there arsenic in juice in the first place?

Connie Diekman, RD:

Arsenic is in juice for a variety of reasons. Residual from the soil when fertilizers and pesticides contained it, water that is used on the trees or in processing and some can be from packaging. The real concern is if the type is organic or inorganic.

With the way processors are able to can or freeze food, why do they have to add this additive to it? Our parents and grandparents and their parents didn’t and we were a lot healthier then than now… so why add it to our food?

It is not added intentionally most of the time. And a point of clarification: in fact, the levels used to be much higher than they are now due to the use of fertilizers and pesticides that were arsenic-based.

The FDA said the initial study didn’t differentiate between inorganic or organic arsenic. Does this matter?

Yes, this is the key issue — at least as we know now. Inorganic arsenic is the form that is known to be associated with increased cancer risk; organic arsenic has not been shown to increase risks.

Dr. Randy Worobo at the Cornell University Department of Food and Science said that the amount of tests conducted was not statistically significant. Is this consistent with your understanding of the research?

This is definitely an evolving issue. We have some studies and they are the basis for this growing concern. However, we need either more consistent studies or a very good large-scale study to provide more evidence to define risk, appropriate levels and further assessment of organic arsenic and its impacts. 

The drinking water standards for arsenic (10 parts per billion) are based on a person weighing 70 kilograms (about 155 pounds) who drinks two liters (about 8.5 cups) of water a day. The concern of Consumer Reports is based on the long-term risks of getting cancer. Based on your understanding, is this a legitimate concern?

The inorganic arsenic is a risk for cancer and the concern with this current number is that children don’t weigh 155 pounds. 

A representative from Consumer Reports said that 23 parts per billion (arsenic in juice) is much too high. Based on your understanding, is this a fair statement?

EPA has set a lower level for water (10 parts per billion) and they have used this figure as the reference for why the amount in juice is not an issue. IF the amount of arsenic is in fact as high as 23 parts per billion, it is too much. 

One commenter online said, “This article could just as easily have been titled, ‘New study finds all juice in compliance with FDA requirements for arsenic.’ It is written in a way to get everyone worked up, and half the people here manage to make it a political issue.” It’s an interesting comment, since the research compared arsenic levels in juice to standards for water. Is that a fair statement?

The important factor here is that we need to learn more about arsenic in juice, and in the interim we need to educate parents that fruit intake should mean eating fruit and limiting juice consumption.

Given that FDA is now considering revising the standards, should we all be concerned for the juice in our cupboards and refrigerators?

As a Registered Dietitian, I’m not worried about the juice we have at home, but I would like to see more research and more education about how juice should more appropriately fit into a healthful eating plan. 

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends diluting juice and limiting consumption of juices to four to six ounces for children under six years, and eight to 12 ounces for children older than six years. Our reader, Phyllis, asked, “How much of a concern should this be for teenagers or adults?”

The amount of juice consumed is the key. Children, and some adults, drink too much juice. Juice does not provide the fiber of fruit, which not only aids satiety, but also controls the quantity of fruit consumed. Juice also seems to contribute to tooth decay, especially in young children. Switching children to apples and grapes would be an excellent way to improve nutrition and reduce intake of the sugar in juice, and possibly arsenic.

The image “Apple Juice” by stvcr is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.





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