Comments on: Can Organic Farming Feed the World? Thu, 19 Oct 2017 14:26:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jan Thu, 19 Oct 2017 14:26:00 +0000 // Dis Drs. Paralberg and Smil ever do any real farming? Their statements are not reliable information probably because what I call “academic drift” does not consider the realities of successful non-chemical farming of yester year. Our modern world under- utilizes organic, nitrogen/carbon holding materials that are readily available. Dr. Smil states that the addition of 7-8 million more cows would be needed..I laughed! There is an abundance of poultry, horse and pig manure under utilized. Human excretory waste from billions of people…..put it out on the fields! Organic landfill waste is so under utilized it is a sin.. Billions of tons carried every WEEK, mega tons of paper and vegetable waste produced by households, market places and food eateries of industrialized nations shipped to landfills to rot. And there lies your nitrogen and organic materials.

By: Troels K. Fri, 04 Nov 2016 15:05:00 +0000 // [edited to comply with Best Food Facts policy] Organic farming can be R&D’ed into a level of efficacy where it can feed the world – besides when the price of energy collapses due to the huge leaps in energy technologies we can pump sea-water into desserts arround the world and de-salinate it. Sick people who want to promote poison, and twisted genetic tampering with our natural kingdom – are always trying to use “calculations” and “science” to disprove that we can thrive on this planet without the use of chemical and genetic engineering that has the potential to destroy humanity and our childrens future as well as all biological ife.
