Comments on: Does Palm Oil Cause Allergic Reactions? Thu, 26 Apr 2018 16:10:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ashley Sat, 03 Mar 2018 02:35:00 +0000 // Glad I found this comments section. I think I have narrowed down this new issue my daughter and husband have is the new peanut butter I’m using containing palm oil. Certainly seems to give my daughter bad stomach pains and she won’t eat much of anything for a few days after having it. She literally has the same symptoms she had before we discovered her dairy allergy. Idk about palm oil, I am pretty sure I am going to avoid it at all costs from now on.

By: Bobette Bryan Sat, 20 Jan 2018 08:20:00 +0000 // In reply to Pepper Hammann.

I’m sorry. I had a similar reaction to butter flavored coconut oil. I agree about doctors.

By: Caroline Thu, 30 Nov 2017 19:29:00 +0000 // In reply to Ellie Ramsden.

I, too, cannot consume palm oil, which I found out most recently. I become painfully bloated for two days. I do have an intolerance for all nuts so having the food with palm oil, I hit the internet to see if I was crazy and imagining that palm oil might be the culprit. Unfortunately, I think it is and I’m not about to ever eat food containing it EVER AGAIN.

By: Carl Thu, 30 Nov 2017 18:58:00 +0000 // In reply to Ellie Ramsden.

I know this is an older post but I was glad to find it. My daughter seems to have the same response when she ingests palm oil. Through a process of elimination we finally figured it out – microwave popcorn, some peanut butters, many packaged foods – anything containing palm oil causes intense nausea for her.

By: Ashleigh Cable Fri, 24 Nov 2017 00:30:00 +0000 // In reply to Ellie Ramsden.

I’m allergic to both palm oils and coconut. If I eat or come into contact with anything containing palm oils I suffer anaphylaxis and more often than not end up in hospital, same applies for coconut! I’m due to see a clinical immunologist soon as obviously it makes life very difficult these days!

By: Claudia Thu, 09 Nov 2017 07:09:00 +0000 // In reply to kathie ellis.

Sorry I don’t remember. I’ve recently discovered that dark circles under the eyes are connected to food intolerance and have had confirmation that under eye bags are, in my case, due to excess histamine (congested nostrils). The only oil that seems safe is olive oil. As far as the other oils go, don’t care to experiment on myself anymore. Goodluck!

By: Pepper Hammann Fri, 13 Oct 2017 07:07:00 +0000 // This “Dr.” disturbs me. It took me a lifetime of worthless Dr’s telling me I’m a hypochondriac, until one day I open a jar if healthy red palm kernel oil to make stove top popcorn. Within 3 minutes I was short of breath, 7 minutes sitting on the floor, 40 minutes on the floor on my side, my husband does the old lift the hand test, and it flopped hard. I couldn’t move or speak and my brain was racing. It took two years to get my heart stable again. There are about 50 more symptoms, but my least favorite are massive anxiety, unnatural heavy cycles, chronic anemia, bloody puffy chapped lips, and ADHD for the record books. I’m totally clean of palm, but I know when I’m eating unlabeled palm products. Benadryl eases the cardio symptoms immediately but my major organs swell or something feeling like that. If that isn’t an allergy then there are no allergies. I recently ate yogurt that does not have palm on the label and I nearly called an ambulance, it was horrible but I know that feeling. It’s so difficult to identify this allergy because it’s a buried ingredient and nobody is talking about it because it is not considered an allergy.

By: Kayleigh Munro Wed, 11 Oct 2017 17:51:00 +0000 // I’m wondering if anyone can help me, of anyone has bene through the same thing? I seem to have an allergy, or rather an intolerance to something, I’ve been tested for but allergies/intolerance and they came back negative, the doctors have said if I want more tests done I have to go private which I can’t really afford…it seems to happen when I eat chocolate with nuts, even sometimes when it says it doesn’t contain nuts, I can eat white chocolate and dark chocolate so long as they don’t have fruit or nuts in, mill chocolate is just too much of a gamble so I don’t eat it anymore…. I’m not allergic to nuts or chocolate according to me doctor so I’m thinking it’s some kind oil or additive that combines chocolate and nuts….I’ve recently been thinking weather it might be palm oil as that seems to be present in most of the things that make me ill – things that are the absolute worst are of course like Nutella, kinda Bueno, fererro roche – I also now live in Italy and have found they make chocolate spread exactly like Nutella, they seem to put hazelnut in everything lol
Of it’s something like Nutella, I will be extremely sick, projectile vomiting, extreme stomach pains (to where I can’t even sit up) and often a rash on my arms and hands, although this part seems to pass quickly…I know when the reaction is about to start because my mouth gets really itchy and hot and I start to cough a lot etc….I know it’s a long shot, I just thought I’d see if anyone here has been through anything similar? Or if they have any other ideas as to what it could be that’s causing the reactions? Thanks so much in advanced

By: judith smith Sat, 19 Aug 2017 12:55:00 +0000 // Hi all !
It is rubbish for a doctor to say that palm oil does not or is unlikely to cause allergic reactions , especially when he hasnt had experience of it himself or shown any scientific evidence or research
I have taken nearly 4 years to discover that my embarassing allergic reaction, in the form of upset and irritable bowel type symptoms and an urgent need to go to the toilet upto an hour after eating any foods containing it !
This discovery took so long due to a government, who take no interest in what is added to our foods as long as they are listed at great length on our non ecological food packaging !
I went thro blood tests , elimination diets , excluding all the ‘known and common’ allergens which improved symptoms to a degree and showed me that I need to avoid garlic onions and apples and artificial sugars such as dextrose sucrose etc.
But no reaction to wheat , nut , soya , lactose etc !
But then I started to realise that some foods that I had bought and eaten for many years , one being Cadburys chocolate had an ingredient in it that I had heard about in ecoligical and sustainability duscussions, PALM OIL! So I started researching why a product that threatens a rare species and needs to be grown in sustainable forests, which used to be in our cleaning products, detergents and soaps was now being added to our foods?
The answers were to make things like chocolate and sauces and other ready made foods more smooth and glossy in appearance and texture ????!!!!!
Do the same people who allow such products to be used in food not think there shoukd be tests as to their effect on the nations health , immediate and long term ????!!
I the health service and am sure there is a big increase in the incidence of bowel related conditions due to this sort of irresponsible permissable addition to the food we ingest .
Their justification?
It is cheap!
Is the cost to our health irrelevant ??!!
Cadbury was bought by an American company and PALM OIL is now in nearly all their products .
Fortunately, some own brand chocolate like Tesco , are palm oil free !
Chocolate is just one example of this , bread , cakes , ice cream , etc etc increasingly are having palm oil added !
Shopping is time consuming , but I can buy my whole shop palm oil free !
And have healthy bowel habits again!
Tgen I get asked out to dinner by friends or to a restaurant and who is the embatassed guest who asjs where the loos are first ??!!
I am seriously going to write to the Health Minister with all this information, but if we dont get enough backing nothong will be done !
There must be lots of people who after an episode of an upset tummy or urgent dash to find the loo after eating out , just think there must be something ‘off’ in their food !!
So.lets do sonething ro eradicate this product from our food !!

By: Allergy Mom Wed, 09 Aug 2017 13:37:00 +0000 // I think there are a few things the doctor isn’t considering. First, exposure to palm oil used to be rare. However, with companies moving away from hydrogenated oils, exposure is increasing exponentially because most companies are substituting palm and palm kernel oil for hydrogenated soybean oil. Another issue is the way palm oil is processed — it’s almost never highly refined. Palm oil and palm kernel oils are extruded or expeller pressed — which results in oil with some protein. The same is true for peanut oil — most peanut oils are fine for those with peanut allergies, except for gourmet oils, which tend to be extruded or expeller pressed. Regardless of what this person’s opinion is, I am unquestionable allergic to both palm and palm kernel oil, with reactions of swelling and itching in my mouth and soft palate and sneezing. I avoid it like the plague now.
