Comments on: What’s Healthier? Pork Bacon or Turkey Bacon? Fri, 27 Aug 2021 14:17:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: NATHALIE Mon, 29 Jan 2018 14:10:00 +0000 // In reply to Chad.

It comes from theTurkeys thigh.

By: KD Thu, 25 Jan 2018 02:02:00 +0000 // Difference between nitrates in plants is that plants often contain vitamins that inhibit formation of nitrosamines. Surprised caveat not mentioned. Bacon is fine in moderation, but saying cancer risk has been debunked ignores CPS studies, not to mention the large review IARC did to classify it as carcinogenic to humans. If you are going to talk about bacon and health risks, interview a nutrition epidemiologist.

By: Chad Sun, 21 Jan 2018 06:44:00 +0000 // In reply to MsDad.

Frying bacon in a pan does Not add more fat. Cooking an entire pack of cheap bacon…you end up with 1/ 4 to 5/16 of an inch of fat. Are you then dumping that fat into a bowl or cup and drinking it? If not…then you are indeed rendering the fat from the bacon. Really the only major difference in pork bacon vs turkey bacon is that we know pork bacon comes from the belly of the pig! Where does turkey bacon come from? Answer…all of the
” processed LEFTOVERS of the turkey…all the stuff that you don’t want to think about…that is what turkey bacon is

By: GTP Wed, 17 May 2017 18:33:00 +0000 // In reply to MsDad.

I cook mine in an air fryer now. First time I did, I was surprised at how much collected in the bottom.

By: MsDad Sun, 30 Apr 2017 12:08:00 +0000 // Fairly well-written article. However, how you cook bacon does indeed effect how much fat stays in it. Pan fried bacon loses very little fat. Even though it’s rendered out, because the slices sit in the rendered fat, you end up with more. When you cook bacon in the oven on a wire rack, most of the rendered fat drips off during cooking. So no, it isn’t just “what it is.” The author may be a terrific scientist but I’d say she’s not a knowledgeable cook.

By: James Murtaugh Sun, 16 Apr 2017 13:09:00 +0000 // Thanks so much, very well written.
