dairy Archives - Best Food Facts Mon, 22 Jul 2019 14:11:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.2 Soy Milk: What Is It and Is It Healthy? https://www.bestfoodfacts.org/soy-milk-what-is-it-and-is-it-healthy/ https://www.bestfoodfacts.org/soy-milk-what-is-it-and-is-it-healthy/#respond Mon, 22 Jul 2019 14:06:15 +0000 https://www.bestfoodfacts.org/?p=8455 If you’ve taken a stroll down the dairy aisle lately, you may have noticed a change in the types and number of products available. Between almond, coconut, soy and regular cow’s milk, we have a lot of decisions to make about beverages. However, one of the most popular and oldest options in the cooler aisle...

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If you’ve taken a stroll down the dairy aisle lately, you may have noticed a change in the types and number of products available. Between almond, coconut, soy and regular cow’s milk, we have a lot of decisions to make about beverages. However, one of the most popular and oldest options in the cooler aisle is soy milk.

To learn more about the health and nutritional value of this beverage, we reached out to Dr. Connie Weaver, distinguished professor emeritus of the department of Nutritional Sciences at Perdue University.

Is there a difference between soy milk and a soy beverage?

Dr. Weaver: “Only the name. Some really object to calling a plant-based beverage milk because the standard of identity is for cow’s milk.”

What is soy milk made out of?

Dr. Weaver: “Whole soybeans are boiled with a lot of water to extract soluble constituents like protein and minerals and that is the soy milk or beverage.”

According to Dr. Weaver, the nutrients in soy milk include:

  • Protein
  • Carbohydrates
  • Minerals
  • Additional chemical constituents

What are the main health benefits of soy milk?

Dr. Weaver: “It is a source of high-quality protein. The most common brand is Silk. We determined calcium bioavailability from Silk and found it to be comparable to cow’s milk. Soy beverage is the only plant-based beverage that has been studied for calcium bioavailability. Soy consumption in general has been associated with some ability to reduce menopausal symptoms but the evidence for preventing chronic diseases was deemed too weak to make recommendations by the North American Menopause Society.”

So, we’ve learned about the benefits, but are there any health concerns to drinking soy milk?

Dr. Weaver: “Soy beverage has the most similar nutrient profile of the plant-based beverages compared with cow’s milk. It has lower potassium content than milk. But it is more expensive than cow’s milk.”

Regarding taste, Dr. Weaver states that soy milk is an acquired taste for people who may be accustomed to drinking cow’s milk. If you are looking at options, she recommends trying any brand as she does not personally notice any difference between them.

So, when it comes to choosing products in the cooler aisle. Your preference has a lot at play. But if you’re looking to try something new, soy milk is a healthy and viable option to try.

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Are Cows Bad for the Environment? https://www.bestfoodfacts.org/are-cows-bad-for-the-environment/ https://www.bestfoodfacts.org/are-cows-bad-for-the-environment/#respond Thu, 28 Feb 2019 17:46:38 +0000 https://www.bestfoodfacts.org/?p=8216 Do cows harm the planet? As the world looks for solutions to address climate change, cows have been identified as a source of greenhouse gasses. A report prepared by the EAT-Lancet Commission proposed changes in diet to benefit the climate. The recommendations include eating less red meat and more vegetables. Cattle also received attention in...

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Do cows harm the planet?

As the world looks for solutions to address climate change, cows have been identified as a source of greenhouse gasses. A report prepared by the EAT-Lancet Commission proposed changes in diet to benefit the climate. The recommendations include eating less red meat and more vegetables. Cattle also received attention in the proposed Green New Deal, which included a description of “farting cows.”

Just how bad are cows? We asked Dr. Jude Capper, a recognized expert in livestock sustainability based in the United Kingdom, to provide some insight.

She told us it is important to keep in mind that all foods have an environmental impact, whether you choose an omnivorous, vegetarian or vegan diet.

“Although all foods vary in greenhouse gas emissions, it’s also important to look at the bigger picture – we need to account for the nutritional value of foods as well as the greenhouse gas emissions,” Dr. Capper said. “For example, lettuce may have a lower carbon footprint per pound than beef, but beef provides far more nutrients per unit of mass. Furthermore, we need to look at the bigger environmental picture – biodiversity, water use, land use and many other factors need to be considered, not just greenhouse gases.”

Agriculture accounts for about 9 percent of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. The primary source of greenhouse gas is from burning fossil fuels for electricity, heat, and transportation. A government study released in March 2019 found that beef cattle production accounts for 3.5 percent of all U.S.  greenhouse gases.

Cows produce about 20 percent of the methane gas generated per year, according to Penn State University. This occurs because cattle have four stomachs; the largest is the rumen, which can hold 40 to 60 gallons of material and has millions of microbes. The microbes digest grass and hay that cows eat to convert it to energy. This process creates methane gas, which the animal belches and releases into the atmosphere.  

Cows have four stomachs and belch methane gas.
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 Does this mean that eating beef and milk that comes from cows is bad for the planet? Dr. Capper said there are several factors to consider.

“We are all lucky to have a huge number of food choices available to us and should make informed choices based on science rather than supposition,” she said. “It’s important that we consider both environmental impact and nutritional value. Ironically, the foods with the lowest greenhouse gas emissions are often syrups and sugars, which are less desirable food choices, health-wise.”

Farmers and ranchers are looking at ways they can reduce the environmental footprint of producing food.

“Farmers and ranchers worldwide have made incredible gains in improving productivity over the years, both in terms of livestock growth and crop production. This allows them to produce more food to feed the growing population, using fewer resources, which is one of the major definitions of sustainability,” Dr. Capper said.

Research has found that changing the foods that cattle eat, such as feeding them seaweed, can reduce the amount of methane gas produced.

If you want to choose beef that is raised in the most sustainable manner, Dr. Capper shared some things to look for.

“Personally, I choose beef that has been raised in efficient systems that take measures to protect the environment, implement responsible use of medicines and have high animal welfare standards. In most cases that means feedlot beef, though it’s worth remembering that all beef systems vary and that there are examples of sustainability excellence across all types of operation. It’s often worth finding a local supplier if you’re able to, though the various assurance schemes also give a good measure of food production information,” she said.

All food that is grown has an impact on the environment. Cows produce methane, which is a greenhouse gas. When weighing food choices and the environmental impact, consider more than greenhouse gases, such as nutrition, biodiversity, land use and other factors.


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A1 versus A2 Milk: What’s the Difference? https://www.bestfoodfacts.org/a1-versus-a2-milk-whats-the-difference/ https://www.bestfoodfacts.org/a1-versus-a2-milk-whats-the-difference/#respond Wed, 13 Jun 2018 16:16:04 +0000 https://www.bestfoodfacts.org/?p=7696 A special type of milk is gaining traction.  It is called A2 milk and is promoted as easier to digest. What is A2 milk? Have the claims been proven? In an April 2018 article, the Wall Street Journal reports, “Supporters of A2 milk contend it is the A1 protein that causes indigestion for many people,...

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A special type of milk is gaining traction.  It is called A2 milk and is promoted as easier to digest. What is A2 milk? Have the claims been proven?

In an April 2018 article, the Wall Street Journal reports, “Supporters of A2 milk contend it is the A1 protein that causes indigestion for many people, a problem that lactose-free milk won’t solve. Skeptics say there hasn’t been enough independent research to show there is any real benefit to A2 milk.”

We went to Dr. Dennis Savaiano at Purdue University and Dr. Ann Macrina at Penn State University for some insight.

What exactly is A2 milk?

Dr. Savaiano: “There are two genetic variants of beta-casein, a primary protein in milk. The older variant is A2. A newer variant in Western cattle is A1. The research data suggests that some people can be negatively affected by a poly-peptide breakdown product of A1 beta-casein, causing GI symptoms.”

Dr. Macrina: “Due to differing genetics, cows produce milk with A1 or A2 or a combination of both. A1 and A2 each have 209 amino acids and differ by only one. A1 has histidine at position 67, while A2 has proline. This makes A1 susceptible to splitting apart during digestion. One of the fragments generated is beta-casomorphin-7 (BCM-7), which appears to affect some people. We don’t know why some people are affected while others are not.”

What about claims that A2 milk is easier on the human digestive system?

Dr. Savaiano: “There is a growing body of research that the A1 variant may cause symptoms in some individuals. We do not know how many individuals or under what circumstances this may occur.”

Dr. Macrina: “Early studies showed that mice and rats fed A1 milk had more gastrointestinal inflammation than those fed A2 milk. I’m aware of only a few studies involving humans and some indicate A2 milk consumption resulted in lower levels of intestinal gurgling, gas, bloating, and abdominal pain in some people. These studies represent a good start and show promising results for A2 milk. Limitations of the current research include using a small number of subjects, results based on consumption of one serving of milk, or multiple servings over a couple of weeks. Further research is needed before making broad recommendations.”

What’s your advice to people who think they might be interested in trying A2 milk?

Dr. Savaiano: “If an individual has symptoms from milk, especially lactose-free milk and other dairy products, A2 is worth a try. There is no risk in trying A2 milk, only cost considerations.” (This news report in October 2017 said A2 milk was selling for about $9.00 per gallon compared to $5.00 for A1 milk.)

Dr. Macrina: “Milk is a nutritious food regardless of its A1 or A2 beta-casein makeup. Many people avoid milk believing they are lactose intolerant, when in fact that might not be the case. I suggest that people try it. We just can’t make broad claims, at this time.”

Dr. Savaiano is a professor in the Department of Nutrition Science at Purdue University. He is director of the North Central Nutrition Education Center and associate director of the Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Community Health Partnerships.

Dr. Macrina is Senior Instructor, Department of Animal Science, Penn State University College of Agricultural Sciences.

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Does Milk Contain Estrogen? https://www.bestfoodfacts.org/is-there-estrogen-in-milk/ https://www.bestfoodfacts.org/is-there-estrogen-in-milk/#respond Wed, 20 Dec 2017 21:00:22 +0000 https://www.bestfoodfacts.org/?p=7347 Hormones in milk is a topic that several readers have asked Best Food Facts about. We recently received this question from Petula. “Is there estrogen in milk?” The answer: Yes. Milk comes from animals and it contains hormones, including estrogen. One of our experts, Dr. Ann Macrina, explained that estrogen is a steroid hormone that...

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Hormones in milk is a topic that several readers have asked Best Food Facts about. We recently received this question from Petula. “Is there estrogen in milk?”

The answer: Yes. Milk comes from animals and it contains hormones, including estrogen.

One of our experts, Dr. Ann Macrina, explained that estrogen is a steroid hormone that is found in higher concentration in higher fat dairy products. But Dr. Macrina wants to remind you that the overall quantity of steroid hormones in dairy products such as milk, ice cream, cheese products is much lower than the total amounts that are naturally produced in the body.

“For example, butter is about 80 percent fat, and one serving contains 1.9 nanograms (billionth of a gram) of estrogen. One 8-ounce glass of whole milk contains 2.2 nanograms of estrogen. One 8-ounce glass of skim milk contains 0.8 nanograms. The human body produces from 54,000 nanograms to 630,000 nanograms of estrogen per day,” she said.

Check out this infographic that breaks down hormone levels in foods compared to pregnant women, adult women, adult men, and pre-pubescent children for better understanding of the numbers.

What about hormones and early puberty? Again, Dr. Macrina says that all living things, including cows, produce hormones and growth hormones naturally. Does this mean that growth hormones in milk are causing early puberty in girls? Dr. Macrina doesn’t believe so:

“The age at which puberty begins in girls has been decreasing since the mid-1800s. It is odd to blame it on dairy products since dairy consumption has actually decreased during the same timeframe.”

She goes on to explain that one reason girls are maturing more quickly because of access to better nutrition.

Another expert, Dr. Terry Etherton, says:

There are zillions of protein hormones in both plant and animal foods. They are digested in the stomach, which kills their ability to have any biological activity. There is just no way to come to a science-based conclusion that hormones in food or dairy products cause early puberty.”

Another question we have received is if there are health benefits to drinking organic milk. Not according to Dr. Wondwossen Gebreyes. Organic milk is not healthier, nor does it prevent you from ingesting growth hormones. Dr. Gebreyes states that there is no nutritional difference between organic and conventional milk and that all milk is tested before reaching the market based on strict FDA regulations. Whether drinking organic or non-organic work, Dr. Gebreyes encourages everyone to eat a balanced diet.

This is one of the many questions surrounding milk today. Is plant-based milk better? Are there hormones in milkAre there growth hormones in milk? Do those hormones cause early puberty? Is organic milk better? Last year we wrote about the “myths” of dairy, concerning lactose intolerant, weight gain, hormones and organic milk. These questions are good to ask and we’ll continue to bring you science-based answers.

Yes, there is estrogen in milk and it is safe to drink because milk still contains 16 of your essential nutrients.

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Does Milk Cause Acne? https://www.bestfoodfacts.org/does-milk-cause-acne/ https://www.bestfoodfacts.org/does-milk-cause-acne/#respond Wed, 24 May 2017 19:21:49 +0000 https://www.bestfoodfacts.org/?p=6809 We received a question from a reader asking if there was research that showed if drinking milk could contribute to acne. According to an American Academy of Dermatology analysis of the issue, “… dairy does appear to be weakly associated with acne.” Whitney P. Bowe, MD, a board-certified dermatologist and clinical assistant professor of dermatology at...

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We received a question from a reader asking if there was research that showed if drinking milk could contribute to acne.

According to an American Academy of Dermatology analysis of the issue, “… dairy does appear to be weakly associated with acne.”

Whitney P. Bowe, MD, a board-certified dermatologist and clinical assistant professor of dermatology at State University of New York says, “While more clinical research is needed to determine dairy’s impact on acne severity, I advise patients to talk with their dermatologist if they believe certain dairy products aggravate their acne. Given the benefits of calcium and vitamin D – especially in a growing adolescent population – patients who choose to limit or avoid dairy products should supplement their diet with appropriate levels of calcium and vitamin D.”

Some people may experience a connection between consuming dairy products and acne. Talk to your doctor or dermatologist to determine what’s best for you.

Find out more about the possible link between diet and acne.

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Plant-Based Milk vs. Cow’s Milk: What’s the Difference? https://www.bestfoodfacts.org/is-plant-based-milk-healthy/ https://www.bestfoodfacts.org/is-plant-based-milk-healthy/#comments Tue, 28 Feb 2017 21:58:13 +0000 https://www.bestfoodfacts.org/?p=6573 Almond milk, soy milk, rice milk. The dairy aisle is changing. You’ve no doubt noticed a number of beverages offered as plant-based milk alternatives. While traditional cow’s milk still dominates the market, research shows U.S. non-dairy milk sales are growing while cow’s milk sales have declined. One need only look at the refrigerator case at...

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Almond milk, soy milk, rice milk. The dairy aisle is changing. You’ve no doubt noticed a number of beverages offered as plant-based milk alternatives.

While traditional cow’s milk still dominates the market, research shows U.S. non-dairy milk sales are growing while cow’s milk sales have declined. One need only look at the refrigerator case at a grocery store to see that retailers are increasingly stocking more plant-based dairy alternatives.

Consumers shopping for healthy alternatives have a lot of questions. How do you get milk from a nut, bean or seed? Is almond milk healthy? Is soy milk dairy? What is the nutrient profile of plant-based dairy alternatives compared to cow’s milk? Are the plant-based alternatives really milk?

We posed these questions to a panel of nutrition experts: Dr. Ann Macrina, Penn State University, Dr. Dennis Savaiano, Purdue University, and Dr. Connie Weaver, Purdue University.

What we learned

Plant-based milks are made by grinding a bean or nut, then adding water, flavors, vitamins and minerals. The nutrients and amount of sugar in plant-based milk varies considerably based on how it was produced and what has been added. Cow’s milk contains protein, calcium, riboflavin and potassium. The nutrients are consistent in all products, but the amount of fat varies from no fat, low-fat and full-fat.  Calcium-fortified soy milk is the closest to cow’s milk, but it is lower in other nutrients than cow’s milk. Some plant-based milks are very low in protein, which can be a matter of concern for children and elderly. Plant-based milks are becoming more popular because some people prefer the taste and the variety of flavors. It is also preferred by people who are allergic or intolerant to milk. The experts urge milk drinkers to read the labels and make the choice based on nutrition, price and preferences.

From the experts

Read the in-depth interview to discover more about plant-based milk, nutrients and trends in the dairy aisle.

Why have sales of cow’s milk been declining?

Dr. Macrina: There are several reasons. Back in the day when most people were home for dinner in the evening, it was part of our routine for kids, and even adults, to drink milk. People today are on the go and often aren’t home for dinner. And, for a long time, milk wasn’t as portable as other beverages. Portable milk packaging has come a long way but I don’t think many people are fully aware of it.

Dr. Weaver: Also, some people avoid cow’s milk because of expected lactose intolerance or protein allergies, or dislike of the taste without making the effort to find products or strategies to incorporate them into their diet.

Dr. Savaiano: Over the last 30 years or so soft drink consumption has increased significantly and for some people, soft drinks have replaced milk as the drink of choice. This is concerning. If you look at the nutrient intake profile of Americans over the last 30 years, we are far away from recommendations. We don’t eat enough fruits or vegetables. We probably do get enough calcium. We’re on the edge of getting the right amount of riboflavin. The sodium/potassium ratios of what we eat are not great – less sodium and more potassium would be good.

Low-fat dairy can be a key component in an ideal diet. Soft drinks tend to contribute calories instead of nutrients and most Americans get more than enough calories.

Dr. Macrina: Some people think milk costs too much. If you can buy a two-liter bottle of soda for a $1.50, some will choose it over milk. People sometimes don’t think about the nutritional issue when they’re making purchasing decisions. If you ask a kid if they want milk or soda, which one do you think they’re going to choose? Also, kids used to drink a lot of milk at school, but schools have switched to very low-fat or no-fat milk which simply doesn’t taste that good to kids.

Market research shows plant-based milk substitutes are gaining popularity. Why?

Dr. Savaiano: It’s a very small part of the market, but yes, sales of plant-based beverages are increasing. It reflects that some people feel vegetable-based products are healthier. Some consumers also question modern milk production practices which also has had a negative impact on milk consumption. Depending on their composition, some of these plant-based drinks fall into the category of sweetened beverages. Some do, some don’t. It just depends on how much sugar is added.

Dr. Macrina: It’s interesting to note that while fluid milk consumption has decreased, overall dairy consumption has increased. People today are eating a lot of cheese and yogurt. But, some people perceive plant products as healthier than those from animals. Whether or not they actually are, some people believe they are allergic or intolerant to milk. A lot of the plant-based milks are flavored while there aren’t a lot of flavored cow’s milk products, other than chocolate, in many retail outlets. The plant-based products also tend to be sweeter, which is attractive to some.

How are plant-based milks made?

Dr. Macrina: Generally speaking, they grind a bean or nut then add water. The amount of water determines the consistency. Flavors, vitamins, minerals, etc. are added.

Dr. Savaiano: I’m not a food technologist, but if you look at the label you can see the ingredients. They contain components extracted from almonds, rice, soy, etc. The taste depends on what they’re flavored with and how they’re formulated.

Dr. Weaver: Soy milk, for example, is extracted from soybeans and if calcium fortified, a calcium salt is added. Similar for other plants.

What is the nutritional profile of regular milk vs almond milk and the other plant-based alternatives?

Dr. Savaiano: This is an important question because it can vary a lot. Consumers need to look at the label. Milk has lots of positive nutrients – protein, calcium, riboflavin, potassium. Milk’s nutrient profile isn’t perfect, but it’s a very nutritious food and, of course, it comes in no-fat, low-fat and full-fat varieties. The plant-based drinks can have a positive nutrient profile, too. It depends on the manufacturer.

Dr. Weaver: None of the plant-based options match cow’s milk entirely. Calcium-fortified soy milk is the closest to cow’s milk but still lower in potassium and some other nutrients. Some plant-based beverages are very low in protein as well (like almond milk) which can be a problem for kids and the elderly.

Dr. Macrina: The most variable component of cow’s milk is fat. The rest of it is relatively consistent – the protein and mineral content is going to be about the same regardless of the fat level in the milk you buy. Plant-based milks are quite variable. Some have as much fat as cow’s milk. Some have a higher sugar content. The big difference is protein. The quality of plant protein generally is not as high as animal protein. Cow’s milk has more of the building block proteins that humans need in their diet.

What’s your advice to consumers on milk replacements?

Dr. Macrina: Plant-based milks are quite variable in what they contain while cow’s milk is pretty standard. We know where cow’s milk comes from. Plant-based milks are manufactured and can have a variety of additives. I urge consumers to read the label to determine what’s best for them.

Dr. Savaiano: Yes, consumers should read the label very carefully. Plant-based drinks certainly can be a healthy choice depending on how they’re formulated.

Dr. Weaver: The plant-based beverages all cost a good deal more than cow’s milk. So, one needs to determine how much they want to pay for the nutrients and determine which nutrients you need to get from other foods. A main nutrient expected from milk is calcium. Only soy milk has been tested for calcium bioavailability (by my lab) which was determined to be as good as from cow’s milk. But none of the other plant beverages have been tested and they should be.

MilkPEP (Milk Processor Education Program) has created an interactive site comparing plant-based milk and cow’s milk  on factors such as calories and nutrients.

Some members of Congress have asked FDA to step in and determine whether plant-based drink products should be allowed to be called “milk.” Find out in the second part of this series Debate in the Dairy Aisle: Are Plant-Based Drinks “Milk”?

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Everyone Has a Type… of Ice Cream https://www.bestfoodfacts.org/national-ice-cream-month/ https://www.bestfoodfacts.org/national-ice-cream-month/#comments Fri, 08 Jul 2016 19:47:26 +0000 https://www.bestfoodfacts.org/?p=5806 I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! July is National Ice Cream Month, so we kicked off this month-long holiday by scooping up information of the different types of ice cream. Did you know that there are so many different ways to enjoy one of America’s favorite desserts? From ordinary ice cream...

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I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! July is National Ice Cream Month, so we kicked off this month-long holiday by scooping up information of the different types of ice cream. Did you know that there are so many different ways to enjoy one of America’s favorite desserts? From ordinary ice cream to lactose-free, there’s an ice cream out there for everyone. We’ve compiled a list of options for one of your favorite treats:

  • Ordinary (hard) ice cream: composed of milk, sweeteners, cream, sugar, eggs and stabilizers
  • Frozen custard: contains at least 10% milk fat and 1.5% egg yolk that has a small amount of air in the final mix
  • Frozen yogurt: made up of low-fat or non-fat yogurt ingredients also includes sweeteners, gelatin, corn syrup and flavoring.
  • Gelato: A popular Italian frozen dessert that is typically less sweet, but is denser than ordinary ice cream
  • Gluten-free ice cream: contains no gluten, this type of ice cream is made for people who cannot process gluten
  • Lactose-free ice cream: contains no detectable lactose: people who cannot digest this enzyme are able to eat lactose-free ice cream.
  • Organic ice cream: comes from organically fed cows and other organic products
  • Semifreddo: another popular Italian treat that means “half cold” and is a variation of ice cream or frozen custard that has been frozen in a loaf pan and sliced.
  • Sherbet: a smooth ice cream variation that is very sweet and is composed of fruit juice, sugar and wine or water.
  • Sorbet: similar to sherbet, but is considered to be a palate cleanser between courses or as a lovely, fresh and light dessert; true sorbet is considered to be vegan.

And to make things easy to understand, we also created this fun infographic for you to check out and share! What’s your favorite type of ice cream? Take the poll and let us know!




Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.

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Word of the Week: Lactose https://www.bestfoodfacts.org/word-of-the-week-lactose/ https://www.bestfoodfacts.org/word-of-the-week-lactose/#respond Wed, 29 Jun 2016 11:00:53 +0000 //www.bestfoodfacts.org/?p=5574 Noun. Lactose is the natural sugar that is found in milk. Used in a sentence: Lactose is used to sweeten stout beer.

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Noun. Lactose is the natural sugar that is found in milk.

Used in a sentence:

Lactose is used to sweeten stout beer.

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Word of the Week: Curd https://www.bestfoodfacts.org/word-of-the-week-curd/ https://www.bestfoodfacts.org/word-of-the-week-curd/#respond Wed, 15 Jun 2016 11:00:26 +0000 //www.bestfoodfacts.org/?p=5569 Noun. Curd is the thick substance that forms in milk when it sours or when making cheese. Used in a sentence: Fresh curd can easily be enjoyed in cottage cheese. 

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Noun. Curd is the thick substance that forms in milk when it sours or when making cheese.

Used in a sentence:

Fresh curd can easily be enjoyed in cottage cheese. 

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4 Questions About Dairy Answered https://www.bestfoodfacts.org/4_dairy_myths_exposed/ https://www.bestfoodfacts.org/4_dairy_myths_exposed/#respond Wed, 15 Jun 2016 11:00:00 +0000 http://localhost:32798/d_is_for_dairy-2/ If you have questions about dairy, Best Food Facts experts can help. They’ve tackled some of the most common dairy myths to help separate fact from fiction.

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There are a lot of myths out there about food and dairy is no exception. How can we separate fact from fiction? We’ve enlisted the help of a few nutrition, health and animal science experts to tackle some of your burning questions about dairy. For more dairy facts check out this infographic and don’t forget to share your favorite dairy product with us in this poll!

Do hormones in milk cause early puberty?

If you are a woman, and especially a mom, you’ve likely heard that girls mature earlier and boys grow bigger because of hormones in milk (and meat). Girls are maturing earlier, but expert Dr. Ann Macrina notes that the age at which they reach puberty has been declining since the mid-1800’s, a time, incidentally, during which dairy consumption has actually decreased. (A report from the International Dairy Foods Association shows that the average person consumes about 20 gallons of milk annually – and that is a new record low.)

Our experts say there is no evidence that hormones in milk or dairy products play a role in early puberty and suggest that improved nutrition and increased obesity rates are more likely impacting early puberty.


According to Dr. Terry Etherton:

There are zillions of protein hormones in both plant and animal foods. They are digested in the stomach, which kills their ability to have any biological activity. There is just no way to come to a science-based conclusion that hormones in food or dairy products cause early puberty.

Can those who are lactose-intolerant drink milk?

As we age, some of us become more sensitive to lactose, the sugar found in dairy products. The consumption of more lactose than the body can break down can cause stomach bloating and intestinal discomfort, but avoiding dairy is not the answer to lactose intolerance, says expert Dr. Dennis Savaiano.


  • Lactose is broken down in the body by the enzyme lactase.
  • As we age, we typically produce less lactase because our bodies are genetically disposed to do so.
  • Lactose intolerance is a genetic trait that can impact approximately one in four American consumers and nearly three-fourths of the world’s population.
  • Lactose intolerance is different from a milk allergy, which is quite rare.
  • Dose is the key in managing lactose intolerance and drinking one cup (8 oz.) or less a day does not usually cause problems.
  • Drink milk with a meal to increase the digestion of lactose.
  • Lactose-free dairy products can be found at the grocery store to provide additional choices.

And Dr. Savaiano notes, “Regular milk drinkers (one to three small servings per day) have much better tolerance because they have adapted their intestinal bacteria to improve digestion of lactose.”

Does dairy cause weight gain?

If you’re trying to lose weight someone has likely suggested that you cut out dairy, because it is too fattening. Making good food choices plays a more important role in maintaining a healthy weight, say our experts. From yogurt to skim milk, dairy offers a variety of low-fat options that can work for a healthy diet.


  • Research indicates that lean protein is important to a healthy diet and healthy weight.
  • Dairy offers a variety of low-fat and lean protein options.
  • Following the U.S. Department of Agriculture MyPlate guidelines will help consumers make healthy, well-balanced food choices.

Registered Dietitian Connie Diekman says that consuming protein likely helps us feel full longer. She also recommends, “People should meet their nutritional needs by choosing foods they enjoy, including lean meat, fish, poultry, and low-fat/fat-free dairy. However, two-thirds of the diet should come from whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.”

Is organic milk is healthier than non-organic milk?

Studies show that consumers often perceive organic foods as more healthful than regular or non-organic versions. Associate Professor of Veterinary Preventative Medicine and Epidemiology, Wondwossen Gabreyes, says the case is not so clear-cut.


  • There is no nutritional difference between organic and non-organic milk. Each contains the same essential vitamins and nutrients.
  • Milk is tested and prohibited from market if it does not meet the government’s stringent safety and quality standards.

Expert Carl Winter points out that healthy food can be found in both organic and non-organic production systems. He notes, “Fortunately, consumers in the U.S. frequently have the choice between purchasing organic and conventional foods and make food purchasing decisions that reflect their values, concerns, and lifestyles. For optimal health, consumers should continue to eat a balanced diet that includes significant amounts of fruits, vegetables, and grains, regardless if such foods are produced by organic or by conventional practices.”



Originally published June 9, 2015 as “D is for Dairy.”

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