gluten-free Archives - Best Food Facts Thu, 25 Oct 2018 19:31:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Gluten-Free Wheat May Change Bread Thu, 02 Nov 2017 18:49:12 +0000 Wheat has recently made headlines for new gluten-free potential. Sounds impossible since gluten is from wheat, right? We reached out to Robert Wager,  biochemist and member of the Biology Department of Vancouver Island University, and Dr. Steve Taylor, Professor in the Department of Food Science and Technology and Co-founder and Co-Director of the Food Allergy...

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Wheat has recently made headlines for new gluten-free potential. Sounds impossible since gluten is from wheat, right?

We reached out to Robert Wager,  biochemist and member of the Biology Department of Vancouver Island University, and Dr. Steve Taylor, Professor in the Department of Food Science and Technology and Co-founder and Co-Director of the Food Allergy Research and Resource Program, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, to give us further clarification on what gluten-free wheat means.

Wager explained what gluten is. “Gluten is made up of two main types of protein, one of which is gliadin. Gliadin is the protein that causes the most allergic reactions.” The new gluten-free variety is being developed from regular wheat that has been gene-edited to reduce the amount of gliadin.

How do this gliadin protein and gene-editing work? Gene editing, or CRISPR, is a group of technologies that allow genetic material to be added, removed or altered at a particular location in a genome.  In this case, scientists go into the wheat’s DNA and edit out a particular amount of gliadin.

“Gluten-free wheat is a 97% reduction in gliadin content. This version of gluten-free wheat is removing about three-quarters of the gliadin genes,” Wager said.

It’s important to note that only 97% of the gliadin is being removed because anyone who is allergic to gluten could still experience a reaction. However, Wager points out, “It could be a great product for them, but that’s yet to be determined.” Everyone’s gluten intolerance is different and therefore their response to the remaining gliadin is unknown.

For those of us not allergic to gluten, we shouldn’t be concerned. Wager says normal bread eaters won’t be affected any differently. Instead you’ll have something resembling a flatbread in appearance and texture.

One thing Wager thought it was important to point out was that within wheat, “there are approximately 45 types of gliadin genes. What physiological effects will occur if we remove all 45 of them is not known. Physiological effects are the plant’s ability to fight off a disease or infection. If they continue to remove or de-activate all the gliadin, there will be a huge unknown impact on the wheat.”

What does this mean for those with celiac disease and gluten intolerance? Dr. Taylor explained there are other types of gluten-free options such as sourdough and heritage wheat.

“Heritage wheat is a term that I have seen used to describe wheat that is safe for celiac sufferers,” says Dr. Taylor. “It means the rather old wheat varieties, now called emmer and einkorn. These old varieties of wheat have less gluten than the regular bread wheat that is most typically used in today’s processed foods, but they still do have gluten.”

Even then, Dr. Taylor cautions that not all those with celiac would be able to tolerate it.

With sourdough, the slow lacto-fermentation process makes the bread (mostly) gluten free. This fermentation process also makes detecting any residual gluten more difficult, which has made the FDA slightly more reluctant to label sourdough as gluten free. Dr. Taylor gives us the example of gluten-free beer and how labeling it as so is somewhat of a risk. “There is evidence that some with celiac disease can tolerate sourdough,” Dr. Taylor says, but people with the disease should be cautious.

Either way, sourdough has a unique flavor and heritage wheat “definitely does not make great bread due to the lower gluten content” Dr. Taylor informs us.

Wager and Dr. Taylor agree that gluten-free wheat and bread probably won’t take over the market. The number of people allergic to gluten is a significantly smaller number compared to the number of people that are not allergic and the proteins with unique functional properties make gluten a rather important ingredient in foods. The experts also agree that while it is unclear when gluten-free wheat will hit markets, when it does, those truly allergic to gluten and suffering from celiac disease should treat it with caution.

“The allergic response to the remaining gliadin (gluten) is unknown and will depend on one’s gluten-intolerance,” Dr. Taylor said. “The biggest risk would be some people might be duped into believing that products are gluten free when they’re not.”

The FDA regulates the labeling of gluten-free products. He said labeling is a complex process. “In my view, FDA would be reluctant to grant permission to use gluten-free wheat on products made from heritage wheat or from sourdough-fermented products because FDA has not yet promulgated a final rule for use of gluten-free on fermented products,” he said. “That leaves genetically-engineered wheat. This form of gluten-free wheat might be okayed by FDA to be labeled as gluten-free.”

So is new gluten-free wheat a gamechanger?  Wager says that he “would not consider this a possible game changer, ” but he does believe that it could be the start of gene-editing products that could directly benefit us as consumers. Dr. Taylor considers this gene-edited wheat to be a potential game-changer, but that consumers may consider it a GMO, which might affect its acceptance.

Gluten-free wheat created through gene editing will not be on the market for some time, but it has endless market possibilities. The wheat may provide some benefit for those who are gluten intolerant or gluten sensitive. Maybe one day we’ll say, “I remember gluten bread.”

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Decipher the Buzzwords on Food Labels Mon, 18 Sep 2017 10:40:49 +0000 Getting through the grocery store can feel like making your way through a maze. Where do I find the foods I am looking for? What foods are healthy for me and my family? What the heck am I supposed to look for on the label? While food labels are valuable for helping make informed choices,...

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Getting through the grocery store can feel like making your way through a maze. Where do I find the foods I am looking for? What foods are healthy for me and my family? What the heck am I supposed to look for on the label? While food labels are valuable for helping make informed choices, they can also be confusing.

Many labels and food marketing terms are closely regulated by the government and require a rigorous certification process. Other terms, however, are not regulated andsubject to many interpretations. We chatted with registered dietitian and Maryland soybean farmer Jennie Schmidt to find out more about how to decipher food labeling.

How do you navigate labels found at the grocery store, farmers market or other places you are buying food?

Jennie Schmidt: “It’s important to pay attention to nutrition facts instead of marketing information because a lot of that information doesn’t mean anything. You should think about your own personal health concerns and take an individualized approach to buying food that fits within those concerns. Also, remember that eating healthy means moderation in the selection of the types of food you eat – it’s all about balance. It’s important to not eliminate the variety and choice but to think about moderation in everything.

“When you are at a farmer’s market, be sure to talk to the farmers and ask them questions. If you are looking for something local, be sure to ask because the produce may or may not have come from their farm depending on the regulations in the area.”

What does a perfect label look like to you?

Schmidt: “Way less information! I would only include the nutrition facts and ingredients and remove everything else.

“I would also make it so it connects the consumer to the farmer that produced the food if possible. For example, for the company that manufactures the tomatoes we grow, every time they change the label they feature a new family photo of one of the growers. This shows that the food is grown by people and that industrialization doesn’t make a food bad.”

What are your thoughts on GMO labeling?

Schmidt: “It’s very confusing why people are so concerned with wanting to know what foods are GMO because often they are not well-informed of what it actually means. It also just adds another thing to the already-crowded food label. From a farming perspective, IF we label GMOs then we should also label all plant-breeding processes.”

A law was passed by Congress last year that will require  food companies to disclose which products have genetically modified ingredients and they will have a range of options of how they will make that disclosure. This includes text on a food product label, a QR code, or directing consumers to a phone number or website with more information. 

What about all the buzzwords and marketing terms that are being discussed in the media and on labels? How do you decipher what is true or not?

 Schmidt: “It can be overwhelming to keep up with information and make the best choices for your family, which is why going back to the basics and having balance is key. If you have a particular health concern, read the nutrition facts label and try not to pick over every single thing in the food system; nothing will be perfect. Use common sense when you are at the grocery store and remember that all foods can fit into a healthy diet. It’s more about how much and how often you are eating certain foods rather than the food itself. “

We’ve broken down some of the buzzwords you’ll find on labels and in food marketing:

Best-Food-Facts-Non-GMO-Project-LabelNon-GMO on the label means that the food does not contain any ingredients that have been genetically modified. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines genetically modified organisms (GMOs) as “organisms (i.e. plants, animals or microorganisms) in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally by mating and/or natural recombination.” It allows selected individual genes to be transferred from one organism into another and/or altered by switching off a particular gene. The American Medical Association (AMA), World Health Organization (WHO), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and numerous other scientific and medical organizations have all made statements indicating that no clear impacts on human health have been reported or confirmed in professional journals. Bottom line: GMOs are safe.

What Does a GMO Look Like?
Are GMO Foods Less Nutritious?
GMOs: What to Know
How are GMOs created?

Best-Food-Facts-USDA-Organic-LabelOnly the 100 percent organic label guarantees the USDA’s definition of organic. This means meat, eggs and dairy products are raised without the use of antibiotics and growth hormones; produce is grown with fertilizers free of synthetic or sewage components; and no genetically modified organisms are part of the product. Organic identifies the way the food was grown, which is important to some shoppers, but it  doesn’t necessarily imply that a food is more nutritious.

There is no legal or government-regulated definition of natural. Just because a product is labeled natural doesn’t always mean it is a healthy choice.

Clean Eating
There is no definition of what it means to “eat clean” and different people may view different foods as “clean” and “not clean.” Many health professionals will agree that classifying specific foods as good or bad is overly simplistic and may foster unhealthy eating habits. Without a central definition of what foods are “clean,” it’s best to stick to eating a balanced diet (heavy on the fruits and veggies!).

Food processing is any deliberate change in a food that occurs before it’s available for us to eat. This includes something as simple as freezing or drying food to preserve it or as complex as formulating a frozen meal with the right balance of nutrients and ingredients.

A gluten-free diet is one that avoids the protein gluten found in wheat, barley and rye. For people with celiac disease, gluten allergies and sensitivities, a gluten-free diet is essential. But for most people, avoiding gluten is unnecessary and may cause deficiencies in certain nutrients.

There is no legal or scientific definition of what a “superfood” is, but many health professionals consider foods that are very high in nutrients – beyond carbohydrates, fats and proteins – to be superfoods.

Next time you are at the grocery store, don’t be overwhelmed by food jargon. Become informed about food marketing and labeling terms; it will not only help you make healthier choices, but will also help you feel more confident in the food choices you make.

Originally published Aug. 10, 2016.

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What’s Good About Gluten Tue, 16 May 2017 15:18:12 +0000 Thinking about going gluten-free? New research suggests there are very good reasons to keep foods that are made with wheat and grains on your plate. Diets that eliminate gluten are widely promoted and the number of products labeled as “gluten-free” continues to expand. We reached out to Dr. Alison Duncan, registered dietitian and professor in...

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Thinking about going gluten-free? New research suggests there are very good reasons to keep foods that are made with wheat and grains on your plate.

Diets that eliminate gluten are widely promoted and the number of products labeled as “gluten-free” continues to expand. We reached out to Dr. Alison Duncan, registered dietitian and professor in the Department of Human Health and Nutritional Sciences at the University of Guelph, Ontario, for insight and she shared some interesting findings.

First of all, what should we all keep in mind regarding gluten in a healthy diet?

Dr. Duncan: “Gluten is a type of protein found in foods containing wheat, barley, rye and triticale. It is part of a healthy diet. If you do not have a diagnosed allergy (Celiac disease) or an intolerance to gluten, then gluten is part of your healthy diet.

“In fact, a recent 2017 study published in the British Medical Journal related gluten consumption to heart disease risk in 64,000 women and 45,000 men and concluded that not only did long-term gluten intake not increase the risk of heart disease but that avoiding gluten could increase that risk through reduced consumption of healthy whole grains.”

Read the study here.

So, let’s back up a bit. We hear a lot about gluten. What is it?

Dr. Duncan: Gluten is a general name for the proteins found in grains including all forms of wheat (e.g. bulgur, durum, semolina, spelt, farro), barley, rye and triticale (a cross between wheat and rye). Gluten functions in foods as a glue that holds foods together to maintain their shape. The term gluten is actually derived from the glue-like property of wet dough. The two main proteins in gluten are called gliadin and glutenin. During the bread making process, they form strands that strengthen the dough and create pockets that trap air (like a balloon) and allow bread to rise and have its appealing texture.

What is gluten’s role in the body?

Dr. Duncan: Gluten itself does not have a specific function in the body; rather its specific function plays out in foods. Gluten’s primary function in foods is to provide a structural mechanism to facilitate the bread making process and enable foods to hold their shape and provide texture.

If a person who has Celiac disease, what happens when they eat gluten?

Dr. Duncan: Celiac disease is an autoimmune and digestive disease in which a person cannot digest gluten. Celiac disease affects 0.7 to 1% of the population and people with Celiac disease must strictly avoid gluten. If someone with Celiac disease eats gluten, their immune system will respond by destroying the lining (villi) of the small intestine. The most common symptoms include bloating, constipation, headache, tiredness, skin rashes, depression, weight loss and foul-smelling feces. The damage to the villi in the small intestine will lead to problems with absorption and nutrient deficiencies and malnutrition can occur, no matter how much food is consumed.

Explore more about gluten and weight loss.

What is gluten intolerance or gluten sensitivity? 

Dr. Duncan: Non-Celiac gluten sensitivity or gluten sensitivity is when someone does not test positively for Celiac disease, but still reacts negatively to gluten. This condition is thought to affect 0.5 to 13% of the population, although an accurate prevalence is not known. If someone with gluten sensitivity eats gluten, symptoms can include diarrhea, stomach pain, tiredness, bloating and depression. However, the intestinal damage that is seen with Celiac disease does not occur. Less is clearly understood about gluten sensitivity and there is ongoing research on this condition.

For a person who has not been diagnosed with Celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, should they avoid gluten?

Dr. Duncan: No, there is no reason to avoid gluten without a diagnosed sensitivity or intolerance. In fact, avoiding gluten is not only very difficult to properly do – as anyone who has Celiac disease can attest to – it increases risk for nutrient deficiencies since many of the foods that contain gluten contain essential nutrients.

Gluten is a protein found in wheat that gives bread and similar foods their texture and structure. For those with Celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, consuming wheat can cause digestive and health problems. For others, there is no need to avoid gluten. In fact, eliminating gluten carries risks because it means missing important nutrients and the benefits of heart-healthy whole grains.

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Sprouted Grains: The Next “It” Food? Mon, 28 Sep 2015 21:38:20 +0000 // You may have been seeing signs or hearing rumblings of sprouted grains – on television, on food packaging, from friends or online. What’s the big deal, and what are sprouted grains, anyway? We asked Anne Cundiff, RD, LD, FAND, for some answers. We’ve heard people talking about sprouted grains. Can you tell us what sprouted...

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You may have been seeing signs or hearing rumblings of sprouted grains – on television, on food packaging, from friends or online. What’s the big deal, and what are sprouted grains, anyway? We asked Anne Cundiff, RD, LD, FAND, for some answers.

We’ve heard people talking about sprouted grains. Can you tell us what sprouted grains are? Are they the same as ancient grains?

Anne Cundiff:

Sprouted grains are whole grains or seeds that germinate and grow on their own by submerging and soaking in water and then placing in the right conditions to sprout. All the components of the grain or seed must be present: bran, germ and endosperm. Sprouted grains come from whole grains and ancient grains, so there isn’t a difference in the grain component, but there can be differences in nutrition, health benefits and tastes/textures.

What types of food are sprouted grains found in? Where are sprouted grains products located in the grocery store?

Anne Cundiff:

Sprouted grains are going to be in the form of a product made from the grains. The most common sprouted and easy-to-find foods are breads, tortillas and crackers. Most of these items are found in the specialty health sections of grocery stores.

Are sprouted grains the next big food trend?

Anne Cundiff:

I think sprouted grains have always been trendy, but they’re gaining momentum. I have had more and more requests and interest from consumers on sprouted grain products, not only for their health benefits but for the delicious flavors and textures sprouted grains bring to different products. Toasted sprouted bread with natural peanut butter is one of my favorites!

Are there any nutritional benefits to eating sprouted grains versus other types of grains?

Anne Cundiff:

There may be nutritional benefits to eating sprouted grains, but it really depends on the grain and what nutritional benefits it has originally. It really depends on the type of grain that is used for sprouting. A few different health benefits may include increased vitamin concentration, increased fiber content and increased absorption of certain minerals, such as iron, by the body.

Do people with gluten sensitivity or intolerance need to worry about consuming sprouted grains?

Anne Cundiff:

Yes, always. If a person has a gluten intolerance or sensitivity, they still need to choose sprouted gluten-free or wheat-free grains such as millet, quinoa and rice. There is a possibility that some methods of sprouting may reduce the gluten in the grain, but it is best practice to consume grains that are always gluten-free to be safe.

Do you eat sprouted grains? Tell us some of your favorites!

The image “Sprouted Wheat Berries” by Nourishing Cook is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

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Should I Avoid Gluten? Tue, 05 Nov 2013 12:13:06 +0000 // There’s a dilemma in the breadbasket! A growing number of people are being diagnosed with sensitivity to gluten found in grains. Additionally, some are claiming grains might be a culprit in the growing prevalence of certain diseases, like obesity and dementia. Registered Dietitian Carolyn O’Neil explains the issue and provides insight. Check out this blog post...

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There’s a dilemma in the breadbasket! A growing number of people are being diagnosed with sensitivity to gluten found in grains. Additionally, some are claiming grains might be a culprit in the growing prevalence of certain diseases, like obesity and dementia. Registered Dietitian Carolyn O’Neil explains the issue and provides insight.

Check out this blog post for more information about the standards of gluten-free food.

Find out more information about celiac disease.

DSC_0285.JPG” by pongo is licensed under CC BY.

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What Is the Definition of Gluten-Free? Tue, 05 Nov 2013 06:00:00 +0000 http://localhost:32798/gluten-free-definition-2/ Tossing pizza dough into the air may be critical to the art of making a perfect crust, but when a fine dust of flour flutters down, it isn’t so fine for patrons who’ve ordered the gluten-free pies.

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What exactly does gluten-free mean? Check checked in with food system expert Carolyn O’Neil, MS, RD, shared this article about gluten-free standards with us!

Gluten Standards

By Carolyn O’Neil, MS, RD

“It’s cross contamination,” says Stewart Singleton, who trains food service professionals on allergy awareness including how to properly prepare gluten-free menu options. “Some restaurants, such as Mellow Mushroom, toss their pizzas with cornmeal, so that’s OK.”

An estimated 3 million Americans have celiac disease and must avoid gluten-containing grains such as wheat, barley and rye. Gluten triggers the production of antibodies that damage the lining of the small intestine.

“If I consume a food that contains even the tiniest amount of gluten, such as a burger that was touched by a hamburger bun, I can miss a whole day of work,” says Singleton, who was diagnosed with celiac disease 10 years ago.

Finally, a definition for gluten-free

The detective work to identify sources of the offending gluten will soon be a lot easier, even if the product is labeled gluten-free.

New federal standards have been set for gluten-free claims with a limit of 20 parts per million in products. “A standard is important,” Singleton says. He points out that food service ingredients will improve, too. “For instance, there’s a commercial salad dressing company that used Worcestershire powder in their dressings, but that contains barley malt, which is not gluten-free, so they had to change the recipe.”

Who wants gluten-free?

From bread to beer, the nationwide demand for gluten-free products is robust, representing more than $4 billion in annual sales. Those with Celiacs benefit from the improved quality and quantity of gluten-free products, but market demand was led by a greater number of consumers identified as gluten intolerant.

“From day one, we knew that gluten-free was going to be a big part of our agenda,” says Doug Turbush, chef and owner of Seed Kitchen & Bar in Marietta. “Gluten-free demand has been overwhelming.” Turbush knows now that the gluten-free soy sauce he purchases for the restaurant has to meet federal standards.

The downside of the demand is the temptation for some restaurants to offer gluten-free options without doing it right. Travel journalist Laura Powell suffers from migraines when she consumes gluten. “I’ve even seen menus where gluten-free is asterisked,” she says. “If you read the fine print, you find ‘almost gluten-free,’ which is like being a little bit pregnant.”

Beyond the gluten-free grocery list, Singleton says restaurants need to do more. “They need designated staff, preparation areas and equipment,” he says. “At Yeah Burger, they use separate toasters for the gluten-free buns.”

Powell adds, “Just because it’s gluten-free doesn’t mean it’s worthy of being on your menu. Don’t feel the need to add a dish if the quality is not up to the rest of your standards.”

Even with the new standards, you can’t be shy …

 Find out more information about celiac disease.

Noted nutrition expert, award winning food journalist and television personality, and Best Food Facts advisor, Carolyn O’Neil, MS, RD, LD, is a registered dietitian. Carolyn’s refreshing food philosophy and recommendations are captured in this column to help you, Eat Better for Life!

Image: “Banana bread” by KittyKaht is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

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Obesity in America: Is There a Gluten Connection? Mon, 16 Jul 2012 05:00:00 +0000 http://localhost:32798/obesityglutenconnection-2/ A new book claims wheat is a primary driver of America’s recent rise in obesity. And going gluten-free is growing in popularity among people seeking to lose weight or just feel better. Dr. P. Stephen Baenziger, a wheat breeder and geneticist with the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. We spoke with him about the growing concern American consumers have with wheat consumption.

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A new book claims wheat is a primary driver of America’s recent rise in obesity. And going gluten-free is growing in popularity among people seeking to lose weight or just feel better. We spoke with Dr. P. Stephen Baenziger, a wheat breeder and geneticist with the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture at the University of Nebraska, about the growing concern American consumers have with wheat consumption.

In reviewing the reasons behind our obesity rate increase, the U.S. Department of Agriculture performed an analysis of our calorie sources and how they have changed over the last 40 years. It shows the number of calories available per person in 2008 was 23 percent higher than consumed in 1970.

One of the shifts in calorie consumption in recent years involves wheat, barley and rye – all containing gluten, which cannot be digested by those with celiac disease (CD) or who are gluten sensitive. In the U.S. less than 1 percent of the population has CD and only 6 percent are thought to have gluten sensitivity.

A new book titled Wheat Belly, authored by a preventative cardiologist, claims wheat is a primary driver of the modern day rise in obesity. The contention is that because of genetic tinkering, modern wheat is really a ‘super carbohydrate.’ What are your thoughts?

Dr. Baenziger:

“I believe that ‘wheat belly’ and obesity is more likely due to overeating and physical inactivity than to wheat. Among the major cereal grains, wheat actually is relatively higher in protein (therefore lower in carbohydrate) than many other cereals (e.g. rice and corn). The higher protein content in wheat is because you need protein to make bread. If protein gets too low, you cannot make a loaf of bread.”

There seems to be growing concern about wheat. Specifically, more people are moving toward a gluten-free diet as a way to eat healthier. What are your thoughts on this?

Dr. Baenziger:

“A lot of people have suggested that modern wheat breeding has made people more sensitive to the Celiacs disease. But I can give you a sample of wheat that is 100 years old and it will still have the problem. For some reason, it is assumed that modern technology has hurt the healthful qualities of food and that is not the case.”

Most farmers today are planting genetically modified corn and soybeans but this is not the case with wheat. Why is that?

Dr. Baenziger:

“Genetically modified wheat exists in the laboratory but it is not commercial and has never been sold. There are tremendous needs that could be met through transgenic approaches with wheat. One company developed a gene that is resistant to fusarium head blight, which causes tremendous grain yield losses, but they’ve never been able to use it. With such a gene we could reduce a mycotoxin in the food supply called vomitoxin. So, not only would it be of value to protect the crop but it would be a valuable food safety tool.

“The reason it is not commercially available is because of trade issues. Since 45% of the U.S. wheat crop is exported it would be economically damaging for other countries to reject our wheat because of genetic modification issues.”

Image: “Banana Zucchini Squiggle Loaf” by Meal Makeover Moms is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0.

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“Everyone Can Benefit From a Gluten-Free Diet.” Thu, 01 Mar 2012 06:00:00 +0000 http://localhost:32798/gluten-free-diet-2/ One of the shifts in calorie consumption in recent years involve wheat, barley and rye – all containing gluten, which cannot be digested by those with celiac disease (CD) or who are gluten sensitive. In the U.S. less than 1 percent of the population has CD and only 6 percent are thought to have gluten sensitivity.

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True or Not? “Everyone can benefit from a gluten-free diet.” false

P. Stephen Baenziger, PhD says:

Gluten cannot be digested by those with Celiac disease or by those who are gluten-sensitive.

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One of the shifts in calorie consumption in recent years involves wheat, barley and rye – all containing gluten, which cannot be digested by those with Celiac disease (CD) or by those who are gluten sensitive. In the U.S., less than 1 percent of the population has CD, and only 6 percent are thought to have gluten sensitivity.

I believe that “wheat belly” and obesity is more likely due to overeating and physical inactivity than by consuming wheat. Among the major cereal grains, wheat actually is relatively higher in protein (therefore lower in carbohydrate) than many other cereals like rice and corn. The higher protein content in wheat is because you need protein to make bread. If protein gets too low, you cannot make a loaf of bread.

A lot of people have suggested that modern wheat breeding has made people more sensitive to Celiac disease, but I can give you a sample of wheat that is 100 years old and it will still have the problem. For some reason, it is assumed that modern technology has hurt the healthful qualities of food and that is not the case.

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Ruth MacDonald, PhD, RD says:

The view that everyone should avoid wheat for health reasons is not well-supported by the evidence.

While many people believe gluten is the cause of digestive issues in humans, the extreme view that everyone should avoid wheat because of this is not well-supported by the evidence. The loophole here is that people are now finding a continuum of sensitivity to gluten proteins, which opens the door to more people who might be having negative effects to wheat leading to this type of public warning, which is clearly overblown and not well supported.

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Gluten Free Yeast Bread” by Brenda Wiley is licensed under CC BY- NC-ND.

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