food waste Archives - Best Food Facts Tue, 08 Jan 2019 19:44:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How Does Food Waste Impact The Environment? Thu, 03 Jan 2019 18:23:48 +0000 Can the food we waste have an impact on our environment? At Best Food Facts we’ve looked at tips for reducing food waste at home, but what does this food waste look like on a global scale? What are the costs associated with food waste? And does food waste damage our environment? We reached out to...

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Can the food we waste have an impact on our environment? At Best Food Facts we’ve looked at tips for reducing food waste at home, but what does this food waste look like on a global scale? What are the costs associated with food waste? And does food waste damage our environment?

We reached out to Dr. Kate Parizeau, associate professor and food waste expert at the University of Guelph, and Dr. Michelle Coyne, former research fellow with the Food Systems Lab at the University of Toronto and advocate for food waste reduction, to tell us about the economic impacts of food loss and waste and the impact on our environment.

How much food loss and waste is there in Canada? Around the globe?

Parizeau: “Reports from the Commission for Environmental Cooperation demonstrate that Canadians generate 85 kg of food waste per person annually, and that this amount is increasing over time. Globally, the Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that we waste about one-third of all food produced each year, amounting to 1.3 billion tons.”

Coyne: “In 2014, Value Chain Management International (an organization associated with the University of Guelph) estimated that Canadian food waste was valued at $31 billion per year. Globally, about one-third or 1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted every year. Consumer waste takes a slightly higher share of the food at 47% of total food waste in Canada. The remaining 53% is wasted across the value chain from farm to consumer. However, any plan to reduce food waste requires a coordinated effort from producers, distributors and consumers. Ongoing research from around the world is helping give us a better picture of where, why, and how much food is being wasted.”

Is reducing food waste good for the environment?

Parizeau: “Yes, reducing food waste is definitely good for the environment. Rotting food can produce methane, a greenhouse gas that is 32 times more potent than carbon dioxide. When we waste food, we also waste the resources that went into producing and transporting that food (e.g. land, water, fertilizers, pesticides, and fuel).”

Coyne: “Absolutely. When thinking of food waste, it is important to think about the entire food chain. For all the food that is wasted from farm to fork, the non-renewable resources necessary for its production and distribution are also wasted. By reducing the food we waste, we can also have an impact on reducing our carbon footprint. In 2013, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations released a report that found food waste to be the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases on the planet, second only to the United States and China.”

Doesn’t food waste just break down in the landfill anyway?

Parizeau: “It takes a very long time for food to break down in a landfill, and this type of food breakdown creates methane because landfills are low-oxygen environments. When we trap food waste in a sanitary landfill, we also lose access to all of the nutrients that could be recovered from that organic matter. Composting is a good way to recover nutrients, but there are also environmental impacts associated with this type of treatment, especially when municipalities use big trucks to collect organics. It is worth the effort to compost, but we should aim to only compost inedible organics (e.g. pits, peels, leaves), and try to eat all of the edible food that comes through our kitchens.”

Coyne: “Wouldn’t that be nice! While food is biodegradable, landfills don’t allow for natural breakdown processes to occur. The breakdown of food requires airflow and landfills are stacked and compacted in such a way that air can’t get through the layers. If you’ve ever been to a landfill or looked at a photograph, you’ll see how high they can be. Underneath all the top layers are compacted layers of all matter of waste. Once products are compacted into a landfill, they become indistinguishable from each other. There has been a strong move towards organic separation of waste, with green bin programs, for example, diverting organic waste away from landfill. This has become of primary interest to a number of city councils across Canada, as well as the National Zero Waste Council.”

And how much money could I save if I were to reduce the amount of food I throw out?

Parizeau: “An average consumer could save up to $1,100 per year by reducing the food that is wasted at home.”

Coyne: “On average, Canadian consumers waste about 25% of the food they purchase. Researchers have made the analogy that this is like buying four bags of groceries and throwing one away as soon as you walk out of the store. Therefore, reducing food waste at home could have impressive food budget savings. It will also save time and effort in cleaning out forgotten leftovers and food from the back of our fridges.”

About one-third of all food goes to waste each year. Reducing food waste benefits the environment by reducing methane and greenhouse gas emission and saving energy and non-renewable resources. Reducing food waste also helps consumers save about $1,100 per year.

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Meet the Expert: Michelle Coyne Sat, 08 Dec 2018 22:18:37 +0000 Michelle Coyne is a Best Food Facts expert from Canada. She is a former Research Fellow with the University of Toronto, Food Systems Lab, and an expert in social justice research and food waste. Tell us one interesting fact about yourself. Unlike many food researchers, despite my best efforts, I am a terrible gardener. What do you...

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Michelle Coyne is a Best Food Facts expert from Canada. She is a former Research Fellow with the University of Toronto, Food Systems Lab, and an expert in social justice research and food waste.

Tell us one interesting fact about yourself.

Unlike many food researchers, despite my best efforts, I am a terrible gardener.

What do you like to do in your free time?

Read. Write. Cook. Enjoy time with my friends and family.

What are you currently working on?

Considerations regarding links between neoliberal individualization and a focus on consumer responsibility for food waste and how this link limits the solutions being suggested.

What are you passionate about related to your area of expertise?

Fundamentally, wasting food is shameful, yet so much of our food is winding up in landfills or compost piles. In all my years researching in the area, I have never met anyone who was ok with food waste, but very few who could honestly claim that they didn’t waste food.

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Food Expiration Dates – What Do They Mean? Sat, 01 Dec 2018 14:36:47 +0000 // With all of the discussion about food waste online, we reached out to registered dietitian and author of the Sound Bites Blog, Melissa Joy Dobbins, MS, RDN, CDE, about how to understand food expiration dates. “As a registered dietitian and former supermarket dietitian, I’ve received many questions about the different dates on food packages. Most people...

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With all of the discussion about food waste online, we reached out to registered dietitian and author of the Sound Bites BlogMelissa Joy Dobbins, MS, RDN, CDE, about how to understand food expiration dates.

“As a registered dietitian and former supermarket dietitian, I’ve received many questions about the different dates on food packages. Most people think the various dates refer to when a food will “go bad” or is “spoiled,” but sometimes the dates are simply an indication of quality and not food safety. Clear definitions and guidelines can help people make more informed choices about when to discard food. If you’re not sure if a product should be discarded or not, it’s always a good option to contact the manufacturer with questions about a specific product,” she explained.

Key Terms and Phrases to Know

Open Date uses a calendar date on a food product. The Open Date is not a safety date, instead, this label tells how long to display the product for sale at the store.

Best if Used By (or Before) date is recommended for best flavor or quality. This is not a date to purchase by, nor is it an indication that the product is unsafe after this date.

Use By date is the date recommended to use the product by in order to have the best quality. This date has been determined by the manufacturer of the product. Even after the Use By date, a food should remain safe and wholesome if it has been properly stored and handled. The Use By date is required on infant formula because, over time, formula can separate and clog the bottle’s nipple. Do not use infant formulas or similar medicinal food products such as oral nutritional supplements or meal replacements after its Use By date.

Closed or coded dates are packing numbers for use by the manufacturer.

Packaged on, Manufactured on or Prepared on. Packaging dates are closely related to best before dates and are intended to give consumers an idea of how long a product will maintain it’s quality. These dates are used on food products with a shelf life of 90 days or less.

Sell by or Freeze by dates are other voluntary markings used in Canada specifically, and can help the consumer make decisions about purchasing and storing food.

Canned foods are safe indefinitely except when they are exposed to freezing temperature or temperatures above 90° (32.2°C). A general rule is if the cans are not rusted, dented or swollen, they are safe for consumption; however, the following canned items are best used by the dates outlined below.

  • Canned tomatoes –  use within 12-18 months of purchase
  • Canned fruit –  use within 12-18 months of purchase
  • Canned vegetables – use within 2-5 years of purchase
  • Canned meat and fish – use within 2-5 years of purchase


Purchase eggs before the Sell By or Expiration (EXP) date on the carton and use within 3-4 weeks of purchase. Refrigerate them in the original carton and store in the coldest part of the refrigerator, not in the door.

Robyn Barefoot, a registered dietitian and expert in reducing food waste, shared these guidelines for meat, fish and poultry:


Fresh meats such as beef, pork and lamb should be used within 2-4 days and kept refrigerated at 4 °C (40 °F). If it is brought home and placed directly in the freezer, it should be frozen at – 18 °C (0 °F) for up to 8-12 months. Ground meat and fresh seafood are an exception – due to their smaller surface area and increased exposure to oxygen, ground meats and fish such as scallops and shrimp should be kept in the fridge only 1-2 days before consumption and can last in the freezer for 2-3 months.


Lean and fatty fish (cod, flounder, salmon) should be used within 3-4 days when refrigerated. If freezing fish, lean white fish can be frozen up to 6 months but fatty fish such as salmon and trout only 2 months.


Use poultry within 2-3 days of purchase or freeze for 2-3 months.

“Ever unsure if a food is safe to eat? We know food waste should be kept to minimal, but do not risk your own health and safety. Contact the manufacturer for questions and concerns, and when in doubt, throw it out!” Barefoot advises.

For more information:

Melissa Joy Dobbins MS, RDN, CDE, of Sound Bites, talks about the importance of understanding food labels.

Moldy Bagels” by JyntoJyntomizo is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Originally published Nov. 19, 2013.

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Tips for Reducing Food Waste at Home Tue, 30 Oct 2018 16:18:15 +0000 A great deal of food waste happens at the consumption stage of the food production process, especially in developed countries. Household food loss and waste occurs when food is thrown away after it is purchased, or even prepared, because of its perishability. Much of the foods we buy – fruits and vegetables, roots and tubers,...

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A great deal of food waste happens at the consumption stage of the food production process, especially in developed countries. Household food loss and waste occurs when food is thrown away after it is purchased, or even prepared, because of its perishability. Much of the foods we buy – fruits and vegetables, roots and tubers, fish and seafood, dairy, meat and cereals – are easily damaged and have short shelf lives.

To find out how to reduce household food waste, we reached out to Robyn Barefoot M.Sc., and registered dietitian, to provide us with some tips and tricks to minimize food waste at home – which also means saving money and helping the planet.

I throw out a lot of food because it goes bad before I can use it.  What are some tips to help reduce household food waste?

Barefoot: “My favourite tip is to plan ahead and shop often! Planning meals in advance can help utilize the food purchased. Using tools such as websites, paper and pen, calendars or even something as simple as a chalkboard can help to make meal planning possible. Making a shopping list and sticking to it goes hand in hand and can help to avoid unnecessary purchases that may not get eaten. Another personal favourite is shopping at bulk food stores. This can help reduce waste of dry storage items such as spices, dry pasta and crackers, grabbing only how much you’ll need … while saving money too!”

“As someone who lives alone, I grocery shop at least 3-4 times per week, only grabbing small bits at a time. This keeps food waste at bay no doubt, but understandably can be challenging for those with large families. With a busy work and home life, many clients I speak with shop every two weeks or even once a month. In this case your freezer is your best friend (seriously) … as is a clean and organized fridge.”

Tip for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Barefoot: “Cut up vegetables and fruit only as you wish to eat them. Once oxygen is exposed to produce, its shelf life plummets. Surface area is also a big one – the more you chop something into smaller pieces, the quicker it will go bad. Cut too much? Pop fresh fruit and vegetables in the freezer and store for up to 6 months. Remember; keep your storage spaces neat and tidy to ensure you know what you have on hand.”

What are ways I can better store my food to prevent wasting it?

Barefoot: “Keeping food in the fridge can extend its shelf life. I like to keep tomatoes, avocados, apples and even bananas (nothing better than a bite out of a chilled banana in the morning) in the fridge even though they’re perfectly ok to stay on the counter. This gives me a few more days out of them.”

Tip for Bread

Barefoot: “Bread is a staple I purchase but after day two, it goes directly into the freezer. Keeping bread in the fridge will delay the mould but also stales the bread due to two compounds called amylose and amylopectin found in wheat. The structures of the grains change when refrigerated and can leave you with a not so nice product – yet still safe to eat. If you wind up with stale bread, throw it in the toaster and you won’t notice the difference!

Tip for Meat

Barefoot: “Another favourite of mine is to cook meats, especially poultry prior to freezing. This allows me to grab the protein straight from the freezer, throw into a dish and quickly microwave or even eat cold as I need. I find freezing meats raw leads to a greater potential of freezer burn and food waste as the thawing, cooking, chilling and reheating process is much more burdensome than being prepared and ready to go. Hooray for being prepared and reducing food waste!”

Do you have suggestions for using food that is about to go bad?

Barefoot: “Roasted, grilled, sautéed or soup’ed! Vegetables that start to wilt are perfect for cooking because you can’t notice the difference in taste or texture. I love tossing week old spinach and herbs such as parsley and basil into soups and stews and even lasagne once they’re not as fresh looking. While produce is good for this, be careful with cheeses and meat products as the best before date is crucial. If I notice a best before date on a packaged food is approaching, again I pop it into the freezer and can still use it in a couple weeks down the road (hint: shredded cheese is perfect for this). Many foods can be kept in the freezer for up to 6 months. You’d be surprised to know I was eating leftover turkey soup from Thanksgiving at Christmas time … saving money and the planet tastes pretty good to me!”

Reducing food waste starts with planning meals in advance and smart shopping at the store. Utilize your refrigerator and freezer to extend the life of fresh foods and keep food storage areas organized so you know what you have on hand. Using as much as possible of the foods you purchase helps to save money and helps the environment.

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Meet the Expert: Gordon W. Price Mon, 01 Oct 2018 18:11:27 +0000 Gordon W. Price is a Best Food Facts expert in waste management and agricultural sustainability, serving as Associate Professor and Principal Investigator for the Innovative Waste Management Research Program at Dalhousie University. Tell us one interesting fact about yourself. I like to apply my knowledge to areas that do not necessarily appear, on the surface,...

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Gordon W. Price is a Best Food Facts expert in waste management and agricultural sustainability, serving as Associate Professor and Principal Investigator for the Innovative Waste Management Research Program at Dalhousie University.

Tell us one interesting fact about yourself.

I like to apply my knowledge to areas that do not necessarily appear, on the surface, to fit. For example, we were recently approached to help preserve the skeleton of two whales, a blue whale and a north Atlantic right whale, through composting. So, we have engaged in a project to do that.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I have a number of hobbies, including playing soccer, learning piano and reading.

What are you currently working on?

Agricultural systems management projects related to soil health, crop production, and fate and transport of organic contaminants in soils.

What are you passionate about related to your area of expertise?

My passions relate to understanding how environmental systems and managed landscapes are impacted by human interventions and how we can minimize those impacts.

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Five Things to Know About the New Food Date Labels Wed, 19 Apr 2017 16:17:36 +0000 Confused by expiration or “best before” dates on food? More than 10 different date labels are currently used on food products, which makes it difficult to know if a food is safe to eat. Those unclear labels are getting a makeover as grocery manufacturers and retailers have joined together to simplify the process. They are...

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Confused by expiration or “best before” dates on food? More than 10 different date labels are currently used on food products, which makes it difficult to know if a food is safe to eat.

Those unclear labels are getting a makeover as grocery manufacturers and retailers have joined together to simplify the process. They are introducing standard phrases that will state either “best if used by” or “use by.” Here’s what you need to know about the new labels.

  1. The program is voluntary. The Grocery Manufacturers Association and Food Marketing Institute are the two major trade associations for food retailers and manufacturing and are coordinating the effort. They expect food companies to begin phasing in the new labels soon, with the goal of widespread adoption by the summer of 2018. “We want to encourage a consistent vocabulary so that our customers understand they are purchasing products that are of the highest quality and safety possible,” said Leslie Sarasin, president and CEO of the Food Marketing Institute.
  2. Food dates are not regulated by the federal government. While the Food and Drug Administration does regulate food labels for nutrition and ingredients, there are no federal requirements for dating products. The only exception to this is infant formula. Food manufacturers provide date information to help consumers and retailers decide when food is of the best quality, but the dates do not necessarily indicate the safety of food.
  3. “Best If Used By” will appear on most food. This phrase helps consumers to understand that the product may not taste as expected after this date, but is still safe to use or consume. It is not an expiration date.
  4. “Use By” will appear on highly perishable foods. This phrase will be used only on products where food safety will be a concern at a certain point. When you see a product with this label, it should be discarded after that date.
  5. The new labels will reduce food waste. Confusing date labels cause many consumers to throw out food unnecessarily. About a third of Americans always discard food close to or past the date on the label and 84 percent do so occasionally, a study by the Harvard Food Law and Policy Clinic and the National Resources Defense Council found. “Clarifying and standardizing date label language is one of the most cost-effective ways that we can reduce the 40 percent of food that goes to waste each year in the United States,” said Emily Broad Leib, director of the policy clinic.

The new date labels will make it easier to understand the safety and quality of food. It will also mean less food is wasted and that is a welcome change.

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