Comments on: Glyphosate in Food Wed, 28 Feb 2018 00:57:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: jackblack Wed, 28 Feb 2018 00:57:00 +0000 Wtf?

By: Omar Elahi Thu, 22 Feb 2018 06:36:00 +0000 Who is the snake that posted this article. How can poison be safer than table salt. Scum

By: Jason Fri, 09 Feb 2018 15:04:00 +0000 In reply to dodi.

Glyphosate spliced into their DNA?? Do you have any idea how ridiculous that is? How do you splice a herbicide into DNA?
No… I’m afraid there are no crops anywhere that have glyphosate spliced into their DNA. I’m not sure where you hear that silliness, but I would start vetting your sources a little better.

By: dodi Fri, 09 Feb 2018 14:42:00 +0000 In reply to Jason.

Right, the crops resistant to glyphosate are those with glyphosate spliced in their DNA. Enjoy a bowl of GMO cereal now?

By: shezina Tue, 14 Nov 2017 18:27:00 +0000 In reply to omarkos.

May be good for you to read my contribution. Douglas. Yes people do overdo vitamins and minerals and they can act as toxins for the liver to excrete and I find myself educating clients regarding this, but pesticides are another whole different ball game and even the, EU are about to ban round-up and quite rightly so. They all need banning and we need to respect our earth a lot more. Vitamins and Minerals cannot be compared to such toxic substances as highly toxic and poisonous chemicals that denature our soil and our bodies.

By: shezina Tue, 14 Nov 2017 18:12:00 +0000 The thing that has not been considered is that consuming many different foods whether cereal or vegetable based they will all most probably contain pesticides in them and each vegetable, each cereal and each food you put into your mouth ups that pesticide residue to make it a larger amount than will make it more unacceptable, this is due to the fact that you are unlikely to be able to excrete the pesticides from your system (poor Liver, that has to deal with this). The pesticides can disrupt the enzymes in our liver and so switch some gens off whilst turning other ones, we don’t want on. the build up in our tissues continues and not just from Round-up, which is only allowed to be used on license in some very wise European countries (sadly Britain not being one of them). Pesticides are often mixed together to make a more potent cocktail. Also it is good to know that a simple lettuce could have been sprayed 20 times before you get to eat it. That’s twenty times pesticides building up in the succulent leafy lettuce you are about to put in your mouth. The soil is being drenched with these pesticides, so the earth is being denatured alongside the food we eat.

Don’t be fooled by these statistics. Round-up is a nasty pesticide, the EU plan to ban it from use. As they mentioned it is not the only herbicide used and there will be others accumulating in your system. The pesticides lay down in your fat tissues, also lay down in the fat tissues of animals, so if you eat animals that are eating grass dosed with herbicides, which they often are, you will be picking it up via animals stored in the flesh/fat of the animal. Animals where I lived were exposed to intense spraying when the farmer sprayed his crops the animals had nowhere to hide from it and so they got a dosing of pesticides in their system. Pesticides can act as hormonal disruptors in fish, animals and in humans. Over the years we are seeing girls of 11 or 12 with endometriosis..That’s no surprise after they have been eating foods with traces of pesticides still in them.

Having your fat cells tested can be an eye opening experience. I did this and found DDT and other pesticides. A big realization from one of them, when I found out it was the reason I fainted easily when I lost weight. The pesticide is released from the fat cells as they break down and the chemical floods into the blood and knocked me out. It had nowhere to go as too much was flooding my system, too much for any liver to cope with.These pesticides are not something that pass through our bodies and are peed out. they collect in our body and unwittingly disrupt our chemistry. Do not be fooled by sweet talking chemists. Look for yourself and don’t always trust experts.

By: Gluesy Sun, 05 Nov 2017 22:17:00 +0000 In reply to Jill Bertaina.

I think that all the farmers I deal with on a daily basis are already employing all of these options, these things you’ve mentioned are really the basics of farming, but doing these things aren’t a 100% effective way of dealing with weeds, pests and diseases. Yes, having good soil nutrition will reduce the amount of disease pressure, but weeds, pests and diseases are always going to continue to come back no matte how good your nutrition is. I believe the world isn’t ready for 100% organic (as loose as that term is thrown around in the agriculture industry) because if it did we probably all wouldn’t have any food to buy in the supermarkets. I think we need a varietal approach and employ and integrated system and part of that, unfortunately, is still having to use chemicals.
As for having chemicals in your food, there are heavy, heavy

By: Jill Bertaina Sun, 05 Nov 2017 06:27:00 +0000 In reply to Gluesy.

What about rotate the crops so that the fields do not become poor of necessary occurring nutrients as a result of monoculture and more susceptible to weeds. Healthy lands should reduce the need for roundup and give the farmers the freedom to even mark up their crops as more and more people are willing to pay for chemical free food. Covering the ground with mulch helps also to reduce the cost of water needed in crops by keeping the moisture in the field naturally. What do u think?

By: William A Knox Tue, 24 Oct 2017 19:00:00 +0000 In reply to Douglas Seal.

Except for many of those are electrolytes and minerals our bodies use. Our body needs the right balance of each kind to function properly, just like the ocean has to be at the right temperature to maintain certain kinds of aquatic life. I’m really starting to wonder If your a doctor.

By: Henrik Manoochehri Wed, 11 Oct 2017 22:34:00 +0000 What about agricultural runoff? Do you eat sea food? Is glyphosate used on canola/rapeseed? Is glyphosate present in animal feed? On sugar cane? Does it bio-accumulate? If you compare a curve of glyphosate use with the increase in digestive problems, do they correlate? Gullibility can kill you slowly and torturously. Are people on the board of Monsanto also on the boards of pharma companies that produce medicines for digestive problems? Will these questions ever be answered?
