nutrition Archives - Best Food Facts Tue, 29 Jun 2021 17:51:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Can Protein Improve Immunity? Mon, 28 Jun 2021 17:05:00 +0000 Does an apple a day keep the doctor away? It might not be that simple, but many of us are looking for foods that can make us healthier and boost immunity. Balance is key, according to Sheena Gregg, registered dietitian and assistant director of the Department of Health Promotion and Wellness at the University of...

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Does an apple a day keep the doctor away? It might not be that simple, but many of us are looking for foods that can make us healthier and boost immunity.

Balance is key, according to Sheena Gregg, registered dietitian and assistant director of the Department of Health Promotion and Wellness at the University of Alabama.

“In addition to helping our body fight disease, consuming a balanced diet helps our energy levels, improves our mental health and aids in our body’s overall growth,” she said. “It can also play a role in weight management.”

Protein is Essential

Protein is particularly important. While it’s often thought of as something to eat when it comes to losing weight or reaching fitness goals, protein plays a versatile role in our bodies and is an essential component to our diet, she said.

“When translated from its Greek origin, protein means ‘of prime importance.’ Whenever the body is growing, repairing or replacing tissue, proteins are involved,” said Gregg.

Both animal and plant-based protein sources are important, as they provide needed amino acids, as well as an additional package of vitamins and minerals specific to the various food groups. “Having both animal and plant proteins as part of a balanced diet minimizes the risk of overall nutrition deficiencies,” she said.

Protein plays several roles in our body such as serving as a building block to our body tissues, facilitating chemical reactions as enzymes, regulating body processes by functioning as hormones, serving as antibodies to protect the body against diseases, providing fuel when our glucose intake is inadequate, as well as many other functions.

Animal vs. Plant

“Animal protein is often considered a better source of protein compared to plant-based proteins due to the amino acid content,” said Gregg. “Animal protein is frequently referred to as a ‘high quality protein’ or ‘complete protein’ as it provides all nine of the essential amino acids that are needed by the human body through diet.”

In addition, animal proteins also have a higher level of bioavailability compared to plant-based proteins, meaning that they are more easily digested, absorbed, and utilized by the body compared to their plant-based counterparts, she said.

Most plant-based proteins are “incomplete proteins” as they are missing one or more essential amino acids and cannot exclusively support protein synthesis. They must be eaten in combination with other foods to be complete. An exception to this is soybeans.  Soybeans are a “complete” protein, providing all nine essential amino acids.

“There are several micronutrients of concern for those who omit animal proteins from their diet due to these nutrients either being found exclusively in animal products or are not as easily absorbed in plant-based sources. These nutrients include but are not limited to Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, zinc, and iron,” said Gregg.

In fact, it would take approximately nine cups of chopped kale to equal the same amount of protein in three ounces of lean ground beef.

In addition to being high quality protein sources for the body, there are other benefits to including animal protein.

“As a common protein source in grocery stores, consumers often find animal proteins to be frequently on sale and a cost-effective component to meals. Additionally, items such as hard-boiled eggs can be a convenient grab and go option that is a nutrient dense choice for the consumer,” said Gregg.

Research also suggests that consumption of animal proteins can lead to better satiety levels compared to plant- based proteins, thus playing an important role in weight management.

Soy Stands Out

There is one plant protein that stands out.

Though most all plant-based proteins are incomplete, soy protein is an exception as it contains all nine of the essential amino acids needed by the body.

“For those following a vegetarian or vegan diet, soy protein can be a convenient way to get adequate protein in the diet and is often utilized in the food industry for meat-alternative vegetarian products such as burger patties, vegan sausage patties, soy crumbles and vegan protein powders,” said Gregg.

While vegan diets have increased in popularity over the last decade, Gregg said incorporating protein from a variety of sources, plant and animal, can aid in optimal health.

“Both quality plant sources and lean animal protein like meat, fish, and poultry can provide a rounded nutritional profile to help aid the body in many ways,” she said.

Protein plays an important role in keeping bodies healthy. Incorporating protein from both plant and animal sources provides the most balanced diet.

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What is the Health Benefit of Coffee? Tue, 30 Jul 2019 21:25:38 +0000 Words cannot espresso what coffee means to us!  Coffee is part of our daily lives. It helps us wake up in the morning and keeps us going throughout the day. But how often do we ponder the health implications of the numerous cups of coffee we consume? To understand the different nutritional qualities of coffee we reached out to expert Dr. Jonathan...

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Words cannot espresso what coffee means to us! 

Coffee is part of our daily lives. It helps us wake up in the morning and keeps us going throughout the day. But how often do we ponder the health implications of the numerous cups of coffee we consume? To understand the different nutritional qualities of coffee we reached out to expert Dr. Jonathan Morrisprofessor of Modern History at the University of Hertfordshire. 

Coffee has been known to help digestion, but it may surprise you to hear it has other benefits. 

According to the National Coffee Associationin addition to aiding digestion, the caffeine associated with coffee beverages can be linked to many health benefits including reduced risk of stroke, diabetes and postmenopausal breast cancer. 

“Coffee contains significant amounts of soluble fiber (in this case hot brewed is an advantage as it extracts better) – in fact the same Starbucks Grande Brewed Coffee would give you around 3 grams or roughly 10% of your daily fiber needs,” Morris said. “Indeed, around 30% of us report that coffee works as a fast-acting laxative – not a bad way to keep you regular as we say in the UK. However, while this works with black coffee, remember that once you add milk, cream, syrups etc. you have converted it from a digestive into a dessert.” 

We asked Dr. Morris what the differences are in the three common roasts of coffee — light, medium and dark. 

Dark roasts are dominated by the taste of the roast itself, which is why they are often used for inferior quality coffees,” Morris said. This is particularly important when we consider that of the two species of coffee grown commercially, the cheaper one, Robusta, is widely perceived as having an inferior bitter rubbery taste that is best overcome through dark roasting. 

Robusta has twice the caffeine content of Arabica, the older species used for coffee production, Morris said. The difference in concentration will likely have a different physiological impact on the body and an undoubted difference in taste, he added.  

If you are worried about caffeine content, then start by ascertaining if your preferred coffee is made up of 100% Arabica beans,” Morris says. 

What is the health benefit of coffee?
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Although the roasts may taste different, they only have slight health variations. 

“The health implications of the different levels of roasting need to be understood within this context,” Morris said. “If a batch of coffee is split into two parts, one roasted light and the other dark, then the darker roasted will have slightly lower levels of caffeine concentration than the light roasted – but the difference is in the order of 0.1 percent so it’s unlikely to provoke any difference in the physiological experience of the average individual.” 

Dark roasted coffee contains lower levels of Acrylamide, which is suspected of being carcinogenic at very high levels of exposure, Morris said. A California court ruling in 2018 led to a requirement that coffee should be sold with a cancer warning due to the presence of Acrylamide. This ruling was overturned in 2019 because of the overwhelming evidence that such levels were insignificant. Now, counter-literature exists associating coffee drinking with improved health outcomes, Morris explained. Perhaps the most substantive advantage of darker roasted coffee is that it contains more N-methylpyridinium, which inhibits gastric acid production in the stomach. 

Coffee can even boost your metabolism! 

Caffeine has been known to increase the metabolic rate up to 11 percent by increasing how quickly the body burns fat. This effect varies from individual to individual, Morris says. 

Knowing these facts, the question we are all wondering is — how many cups of coffee are safe to consume daily?  

And so we reach the holy grail of all writing about coffee and health,” Morris said. “By now, you should have hopefully realized that there is no simple answer to this question.  

The beans used, the type of brew and the size of the cup are significant factors that change the outcome of your consumption, explained Morris.  

And a lot of those outcomes are somewhat counter-intuitive: for example, that Tall (read small) cup of Brewed Blonde Roast coffee you thought represented the safest way to go in Starbucks comes with 270 mg of caffeine, while the tough guy sipping his Espresso only has to cope with 75 mg,” he said.  

Furthermore, like alcohol, our bodies metabolize caffeine in different capacities and the body can build up a resistance to caffeine if you’re a habitual coffee drinker, Morris said.  

“But don’t give up hope,” says Morris. “Nearly all the macro-analyses of coffee drinkers find that some form of moderate consumption of whatever you prefer in whatever size cup you take it, result in positive health outcomes in comparison to total abstention. Most of them tend to situate that figure as between 1 to 5 cups a day.” 

Because majority of us drink at least one cup of coffee every day, it is important to know how this can affect our health. Coffee has been studied extensively and is shown to improve mood, digestion and reduce risk to some diseases. Take a look at the difference between hot brew coffee and trending cold brew coffee.

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What Are Different Types of Protein? Fri, 29 Mar 2019 11:05:59 +0000 Protein – we’re told that we need it to build muscle, provide energy and fill our stomachs. But, what role does protein really play in our diets? What are the different sources? We reached out to Gordon Zello, Ph.D., professor of Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of Saskatchewan, to get answers to our many...

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Protein – we’re told that we need it to build muscle, provide energy and fill our stomachs. But, what role does protein really play in our diets? What are the different sources? We reached out to Gordon Zello, Ph.D., professor of Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of Saskatchewan, to get answers to our many protein questions.

What is protein?

Dr. Zello: “Proteins are composed of amino acids. These amino acids are placed in a precise order by a genetic code specific to each protein. This makes each protein unique and related to its function in the body. All animals and plants contain protein; therefore, one source of amino acids comes from our diet.

“There are two kinds of amino acids, those that our body can make from others amino acids (dispensable or non-essential) and those that have to come from the food we eat (indispensable or essential).  Protein is a macronutrient, along with carbohydrates and fat, thus besides its many functions it also provides energy to the body. Furthermore, protein is our source of nitrogen that we also require to make essential nitrogen-containing compounds.”

Protein has many functions in the body:

  • Immediate energy (calories)
  • Enzymes
  • Hormones (e.g. insulin)
  • Structural proteins (e.g. muscle, bone, teeth, skin, blood vessels, hair; nails etc.)
  • Immunoproteins (e.g. antibodies)
  • Transport proteins (e.g. albumin, hemoglobin, lipoproteins).
  • Other essential nitrogen-containing compounds made from amino acids are melanin pigments (skin color) thyroid hormones, neurotransmitters (e.g. serotonin, epinephrine), nucleic acids and creatine.

How much protein does a person need in a day?

Dr. Zello: “The amount of protein an adult needs in a day is based on the weight of an individual, as the more you weigh the more protein one will require. For an adult, the requirement is 0.8 grams per kilogram of weight per day. Therefore, someone who weighs 70kg (155lbs) will require 56g of protein per day. It is usually not a problem to consume this much protein as most adults eat on average 80 to 120g of protein per day. If you are a growing infant or child, or a woman who is pregnant or nursing, protein needs increase.”

What are some sources of protein?

Dr. Zello: “All plants and animal products contain protein. Those proteins that provide all the amino acids that we need are called high or good quality proteins. These would include meats, eggs and dairy products. Some proteins have lower quality as they may be missing or have lower amounts of a specific amino acid. For example, legumes are lower in methionine and grains are lower in lysine. This is not usually a problem as we eat more protein then we need in a day.”

Are there different types of protein that help for athletic performance?

Dr. Zello: “Athletes do not require any different types of proteins as when we eat protein, the protein is broken down to amino acids in our digestive tract to amino acids and are then absorbed in our body. These absorbed amino acids are then used to make proteins and as long as you eat balanced meals you will be getting sufficient amounts of amino acids to meet needs including those of an athlete. As proteins are not stored in our body like fat, the protein that we eat in excess of what we need is broken down and the nitrogen excreted from our bodies.”

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Dr. Zello: “One misconception is that athletes are required to supplement their diet with protein as they are not consuming enough through the food they eat. Part of this misunderstanding is that protein requirements for an athlete may range between 1.2 to 1.7 g/kg per day which is greater than the 0.8 g/kg per day for the non-athlete. However, since we eat more protein than we need to begin with and an athlete will need to eat more calories to perform (expend more calories), the requirement for an athlete will still be met. For example, if an athlete weighing 60kg, consumes 15% of daily calories as protein (rest from carbohydrates and fats), and requires 2700 kcal per day for energy needs, they would be at 1.7 g/kg per day, or the high end of an athlete’s protein needs.”

Protein is an important part of our daily diets and essential for our bodies to function. Animal sources of protein include meat, milk and eggs. Plant sources of protein include soy, peanuts, lentils and chick peas. Both plant and animal protein can be part of a healthy diet.

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Meet the Expert: Robyn Barefoot Mon, 22 Oct 2018 19:13:09 +0000 Robyn Barefoot is a Best Food Facts expert who is a registered dietitian with areas of expertise in foodservice, counseling, family-based nutrition and nutrition marketing. Tell us one interesting fact about yourself. In the past two years, I have lived in five different cities and moved five different times! What do you like to do in...

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Robyn Barefoot is a Best Food Facts expert who is a registered dietitian with areas of expertise in foodservice, counseling, family-based nutrition and nutrition marketing.

Tell us one interesting fact about yourself.

In the past two years, I have lived in five different cities and moved five different times!

What do you like to do in your free time?

Cook! I also enjoy barre, yoga and bootcamp.

What are you currently working on?

Currently, I am working in the field of nutrition marketing, which touches on social media and digital communications. I’ve also dipped my feet into menu development and support for healthcare solutions.

What are you passionate about related to your area of expertise?

I am most passionate about being a trusted resource for evidenced based nutrition information provided to social outlets.

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Meet the Expert: Marie-Eve Labonte Fri, 24 Aug 2018 16:12:54 +0000 Marie-Eve Labonte, PhD, is an assistant professor at the Universite Laval in Quebec. She is part of the Institute of Nutrition and Functional Foods. Her areas of expertise are nutrient profiling, nutritional quality of the food supply and dietary assessment. Tell us one interesting fact about yourself. I’ve participated in three half-marathons up to now. Back in...

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Marie-Eve Labonte, PhD, is an assistant professor at the Universite Laval in Quebec. She is part of the Institute of Nutrition and Functional Foods. Her areas of expertise are nutrient profiling, nutritional quality of the food supply and dietary assessment.

Tell us one interesting fact about yourself.

I’ve participated in three half-marathons up to now. Back in 2011, I thought I could never do one.

What do you like to do in your free time?

Spending time outdoors — jogging, hiking, alpine skiing in the winter.

What are you currently working on?

These days, I’m developing my research program on nutrient profiling for the new few years to be submitted for a salary award early this fall.

What are you passionate about related to your area of expertise?

Finding ways that will make nutritious food choices easier for consumers.




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Nutrition Doesn’t Have to Go Up in Smoke Wed, 23 May 2018 13:51:21 +0000 // On your mark, get set, start your grills! It’s officially the start of grilling season and we couldn’t be more excited here at Best Food Facts. We’ve talked about smoked meats before, but we wanted to look at the health aspects of grilling your foods, too. Grilling meats, fruits, vegetables and other foods has increased...

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On your mark, get set, start your grills! It’s officially the start of grilling season and we couldn’t be more excited here at Best Food Facts. We’ve talked about smoked meats before, but we wanted to look at the health aspects of grilling your foods, too. Grilling meats, fruits, vegetables and other foods has increased in popularity, and more people are using backyard grills to create their own delicious dishes. We caught up with Sarah Downs, MBA, RDN, to learn more about nutritional aspects of cooking outside.

What health aspects do people need to consider when preparing food with their smokers?

Downs: “Smoking can be a fantastic way to add flavor without all the calories, fat and sodium. However, it’s important to remember that things like marinades, rubs and sauces can all add a large number of calories, fat, sodium and even sugar. So, be sure to use them in moderation.

“Smoking doesn’t really impact the nutritional value of meats, but can be a great method for added flavor without the added fat.”

How does the method of food preparation affect the nutrition of foods?

Downs; “Heat can break down and destroy some vitamins in vegetables, especially vitamin C and B. However, heat can also make the carotenoids (a type of antioxidant found in things like carrots and tomatoes) easier for the body to absorb. This can also kill the bad bacteria in food that can make us sick.

“A rule of thumb to keep in mind while cooking fruits and vegetables is that more nutrients will be retained when cooking time, temperature and the amount of liquid are kept to a minimum.

For cooking meats, the methods that are the most nutritious are those that require minimal added fats. This includes grilling, broiling, baking, boiling and smoking, of course! It’s also important to choose lean cuts of meats, fish and plant-based proteins.”

So, we are all about throwing anything we can in our smokers and on the grill. What’s the healthiest thing for me to cook?

Downs: Stick with meats that are lean. Some examples of this include chicken breast, lean turkey and flank steaks. Other healthy options are fish, tofu and other plant-based protein sources.”

What about marinades or rubs? How can they affect the nutritional value of grilled meat and poultry?

Downs: “Store bought marinades and rubs can be high in sodium and calories, so it’s important to take a look at the nutrition facts label and use the appropriate serving size.

“Want a healthier option? Consider making your own! Start with olive oil and add your favorite herbs and spices. Don’t be afraid to experiment with other flavors like mustard, lemon juice, low-sodium soy sauce and vinegar. To help minimize the number of calories, brush the marinade on at the end of cooking instead of letting it soak ahead of time.”

Many other foods can be cooked over a fire such as vegetables like onions, sweet potatoes, peppers, corn, squash and tomatoes. Any tips on which vegetables provide nutritional advantages?

Downs: “As I mentioned, heat can break down and destroy some vitamins in vegetables, but it can also increase other nutrients. Vegetables that retain the best nutrient content when heated are those that have low water content like mushrooms, onions, asparagus and peppers.”

Fruits like peaches, apples, bananas and pineapples can be grilled and smoked, too! Does smoking fruits impact their nutritional value?

Downs: “It can. Like vegetables, use fruits with a low water content or wrap them in aluminum foil when smoking to keep all the nutrients (and flavors!) contained.”

Are you ready to take grilling into your own hands? The USDA has created a handy, and informative, way to remember safe temperatures to cook your meat to. If you’re looking for more information on the topic, we’ve covered that, too! 


Originally published October 19, 2015

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Eat These Foods to Lose Weight Wed, 31 Jan 2018 12:17:24 +0000 // We recently received a question from a reader asking “What type of foods should be eaten as part of a healthy diet and to help reduce weight?” To answer this question, we reached out to Brenda Roche Wolford, M.S., R.D. – Nutrition, Family & Consumer Sciences Advisor at the University of California. “The good news is...

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We recently received a question from a reader asking “What type of foods should be eaten as part of a healthy diet and to help reduce weight?” To answer this question, we reached out to Brenda Roche Wolford, M.S., R.D. – Nutrition, Family & Consumer Sciences Advisor at the University of California.

“The good news is the key to a healthy diet and maintaining a healthy weight is not as complicated as some make it out to be. In fact, it’s as simple as eating more fruits, vegetables and whole grains,” she said. “Throw in some legumes (beans, peas and lentils) and you’re well on your way to a heart-healthy diet. These types of foods are great sources of vitamins, minerals and naturally occurring compounds – called phytochemicals – that have disease-fighting capabilities.”

How do these foods promote weight loss?

Wolford: “Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes are high in fiber. Fiber is important in maintaining a healthy weight because it adds bulk to your diet without adding additional calories. These high-fiber foods help you stay fuller longer. They also have the added benefit of helping to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and certain types of cancers.”

Do they have any other benefits?

Wolford: “Fruits and vegetables also have a high water content, which helps play a role in weight control. The high water content increases the volume of what you are eating, without adding extra calories. Similar to fiber, this helps you feel fuller longer. The high water content of fruits and vegetables makes them great low-calorie options to incorporate into meals and snacks.”

Any other advice for healthy eating?

Wolford: “Substituting fruits and vegetables for higher calorie foods, such as high-fat meats, cheeses, and refined grains, will help you achieve a healthier weight. A great rule of thumb is to make half your plate fruits and vegetables, as recommended by the 2010 USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans and depicted in the new MyPlate icon.”

For more information on healthy eating, check out these posts:

Originally published Aug. 7, 2012

Morning Muesli” by Bobbi Bowers is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0.

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Holiday Gifts for a Healthy Lifestyle Mon, 27 Nov 2017 17:45:07 +0000 // The holiday season can be stressful – especially when it comes to picking out gifts for your loved ones. If you need some gift ideas for those on your list who want to live a healthier lifestyle (or are needing some inspiration!), Best Food Facts has you covered. “The holidays are a great time to...

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The holiday season can be stressful – especially when it comes to picking out gifts for your loved ones. If you need some gift ideas for those on your list who want to live a healthier lifestyle (or are needing some inspiration!), Best Food Facts has you covered.

“The holidays are a great time to be creative when giving gifts and you don’t have to break the bank to do so. There are lots of affordable and health-focused ideas that your friends and family will love!” said Sarah Downs, MBA RD.

For the foodies on your list:

  • Slow Cooker or Instant Pressure Cooker
    • We are convinced that there’s nothing better than coming home to a meal that’s already been done. The foodies on your list can appreciate meal planning, too. There are so many foods that you can create in both a slow cooker and an instant pot.
  • Food Baskets
    • A themed food basket is a perfect gift for anyone who loves food. You could put together a wine & cheese basket, homemade pizza basket, gardening basket, picnic basket or a popcorn basket.
    • For example: a popcorn basket could include a popcorn popper, theater-themed bowl, popcorn kernels and an assortment of seasonings. You could also include a movie in this basket. “When you pop your own and add your own seasonings/herbs you are able to cut down on the excess fat, salt and calories that is sometimes found in other popcorns,” Downs said.
  • Fruit Infusers
    • An inexpensive and attractive water bottle is just the gift that your foodie might not have known they needed. The idea is simple – there’s typically a removable hollow rod that can be filled with fruits, mint and more. This is a healthy, and fun, way to incorporate more fruits and water into a diet.
    • “These are a great way to add some flavor to your water without any added sugars. My favorite is slicing up strawberries and mint leaves!” Downs said.
  • Fun Kitchen Gear
    • Who doesn’t love a new kitchen gadget? Your foodie would love a unique gift such as a salad spinner, a juicer, an on-the-go blender, a precision cutting board, or witty kitchen towels.
  • Cookbook
    • There’s nothing like the feeling of a book between your hands – go old school and get them something to remember. For a foodie who loves to have all of their favorite recipes in one place, a cookbook would be the perfect gift for them.
  • Digital Device to View Recipes
    • If your foodie is all about keeping their recipes online, a device to view their recipes on might be the perfect gift for them.
    • Does your foodie already have a preferred digital device to view their recipes on? We recommend a stand for them to be able to keep their device on display and off the counter at all times.
  • Meal Kit Delivery Service Certificate
    • Meal kit deliveries are extremely popular right now, and with so many options, there are a ton to choose from! Sending them a coupon to try a meal delivery service might help continue their creative streak when it comes to the kitchen.

For your fitness fanatics:

  • Fitness Gear
    • With the way that fitness is changing, there’s always something that you can add to your fitness fanatic’s collection. Whether it’s a new yoga or Pilates gear (mats, blocks, bands), running clothing, tennis shoes, specific sporting gear, head accessories or sunglasses – they will love it all.
  • Workout Class Pass
    • Have you heard your fitness fanatic talk all about a new workout trend they want to try? Help get them there with a workout pass. Whether it’s a barre, yoga, cycling or a general workout, it is a great gift to help get them moving. And, you can join them for all the fun!
    • “This is a great way to get moving and have fun together. There are many unique and different types of exercise classes and studios all over town,” Downs said.
  • Wireless Headphones or Speaker
    • There’s nothing worse than cords that get in the way. Wireless headphones allow for more movement without having to worry about keeping their phone or audio device right next to them.
  • Fitness Trackers
    • “One of the hottest healthy gifts this year. Wearable digital fitness bands keep track of activity, food intake, sleep patterns and more,” said Carolyn O’Neil, RD.

When it comes down to it, the holidays don’t have to be hard. You now have options to give a Christmas gift that is fun to open – and also gives a head start on those New Year’s resolutions.

Here’s to the holiday shopping – may it be stress-free and full of fun.

Originally posted December 3, 2014.

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Is It Possible To Have a Balanced Diet Without Dairy? Tue, 05 Sep 2017 11:59:01 +0000 We received a question from a reader concerned about nutritional needs for a child in her life. Here’s her question: “My grandson was switched to almond milk after he was weaned at eight months. He eats no dairy. He is now four-and-a-half years old. He has no medical reason for not consuming dairy. What will be...

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We received a question from a reader concerned about nutritional needs for a child in her life. Here’s her question:

“My grandson was switched to almond milk after he was weaned at eight months. He eats no dairy. He is now four-and-a-half years old. He has no medical reason for not consuming dairy. What will be his development challenges for not consuming dairy?”

With the growing popularity of plant-based drinks, many parents, grandparents and caregivers are likely considering similar questions. We reached out to Dr. Dennis Savaiano, professor in the Department of Nutrition Science, Purdue University.

He explained that it depends on a person’s overall diet.

“Dairy foods are a great source of nutrients, especially calcium, protein and other vitamins and minerals. Not eating dairy makes eating a nutritious diet more difficult, but not impossible,” he said.

As with many nutrition issues, it is important to read labels of plant-based milk products.

“Many almond milks have poor nutrient composition. Be careful in reading labels to ensure that the products contain good nutrition and not simply empty/sugar calories,” Dr. Savaiano added.

In our article about plant-based milks, Dr. Ann Macrina, Penn State University, explained that all cow’s milk is relatively consistent in protein and mineral content. The amount of fat varies in the different types such as whole milk, skim milk, etc. That is not the case with plant-based milks, which include drinks made from almonds, soy, rice or other plants.

“Plant-based milks are quite variable. Some have as much fat as cow’s milk. Some have a higher sugar content. The big difference is protein. The quality of plant protein generally is not as high as animal protein. Cow’s milk has more of the building block proteins that humans need in their diet,” she said.

It is possible for children and adults to get necessary nutrients without consuming dairy; however, it is essential to read labels and make sure the overall diet has adequate vitamins, minerals and protein.

You can get all necessary nutrients without dairy, but be sure your diet has vitamins, protein.
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Is Mac and Cheese Safe? Mon, 24 Jul 2017 18:40:16 +0000 Macaroni and cheese is one of America’s favorite foods. But is it safe? News articles have reported that boxed mac and cheese dinners contain phthalates. A study tested 30 different cheese products and detected phthalates in 29 of them. To get a better understanding of this study, and if we should be concerned about our...

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Macaroni and cheese is one of America’s favorite foods. But is it safe?

News articles have reported that boxed mac and cheese dinners contain phthalates. A study tested 30 different cheese products and detected phthalates in 29 of them. To get a better understanding of this study, and if we should be concerned about our mac & cheese, we reached out to Dr. Carl Winter, a toxicology expert at the University of California-Davis.

What are phthalates?

“Phthalates are chemicals that are used to improve the functionality of plastics,” he explained. “They are present in a wide variety of household products including cosmetics and are regulated as indirect food additives, when present in food contact materials, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.”

Why are chemicals from plastics in food products?

“Phthalates are commonly found at low levels in foods and their presence is frequently associated with fatty foods such as milk, milk products (i.e. cheese and butter) and meats.”

He explained why phthalates have been studied. “Their presence in food has generated public concern as toxicological studies have demonstrated that high doses of phthalates fed to laboratory animals can cause birth defects and hormonal alteration.”

Those studies may be enough to cause some to choose to avoid these foods. But Dr. Winter emphasized that it is important to remember this principle of toxicology, which is “The dose makes the poison.”

“It is the amount of exposure to chemicals, not their presence or absence, that determines the potential for harm,” he explained. “While the ‘KleanupKraft’ study did detect the presence of phthalates in foods, it did not estimate consumer exposure to phthalates nor did it compare exposure levels to safety thresholds.”

“In the case of phthalates detected in food, several studies have demonstrated that the average daily exposure to phthalates is well below levels considered to be of toxicological concern,” Dr. Winter said.

So can we still enjoy mac and cheese?

“Consumers should continue to eat a balanced diet featuring ample quantities of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and it is not necessary to make dietary changes due to the presence of small levels of phthalates detected in specific food items,” he said.

The post Is Mac and Cheese Safe? appeared first on Best Food Facts.

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