fitness Archives - Best Food Facts Mon, 31 Dec 2018 17:42:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Keep Positive in New Year to Succeed at Diet Goals Mon, 31 Dec 2018 08:24:29 +0000 As 2019 begins, many of us are setting goals setting goals to improve our health  – and that often means trying to lose weight. While these goals begin with good intentions, they often end in frustration. So this year, we decided to keep it simple. We asked our experts for ideas on one good resolution...

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As 2019 begins, many of us are setting goals setting goals to improve our health  – and that often means trying to lose weight. While these goals begin with good intentions, they often end in frustration. So this year, we decided to keep it simple. We asked our experts for ideas on one good resolution to set for 2019.

Keep it positive, they advised.

“Often times with diet-related resolutions, we constantly focus on what to take out of our diet such as less sweets, less fried food, less sodas, etc.,” said Sheena Gregg, MS, RDN, LD and assistant director of the Department of Health Promotion & Wellness at the University of Alabama.

Instead, she recommends focusing on a resolution that adds more to the diet – more water, more fresh fruits and vegetables. “Putting a positive spin on a diet resolution takes out the deprivation factor that typically renders us unsuccessful with keeping our resolutions long term,” Gregg said.

Dr. Wendy Dahl, associate professor in the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition at the University of Florida, agrees with this upbeat approach.

“I think the best resolutions are positive, i.e. what positive steps can we take,” she said.

In 2019, she encourages us to say “yes” to fiber.

“Higher fiber intakes are associated with lower weights (BMI), limiting weight gain over time, and are helpful for weight loss,” she said. “Bonus benefits of higher fiber diets are lower blood pressure and decreased risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, some forms of cancer and kidney disease. They also can help to manage numerous chronic diseases. You can’t beat that!”

Some ideas Dr. Dahl offers for adding fiber to your diet:

  • Choose whole fruit vs fruit juice. It has more fiber and is more satisfying.
  • Opt for whole grain vs refined breads and pastas. “On average, we consume one extra grain per day. Cutting back on one grain with added fat and sugar is a great strategy for weight loss or maintenance.”
  • Love legumes — beans, peas and lentils. They’re the highest fiber food out there.

On January 1, it’s easy to feel motivated. But Gregg said you can stay on track the rest of the year with a little planning – and maybe a pocket calendar or alarm on your smart phone.

“My clients often report the most success when they’ve set specific dates on their calendar throughout the year for re-evaluating their goals. Keeping your goals on a calendar or journal with a specific task of evaluation can provide an opportunity for modifying your goals if needed,” she said.

Keep a positive attitude with these monthly or quarterly check-ins, as well.

“We often approach our new year’s resolutions with an ‘all or nothing’ mentality. However, if we give ourselves the task of evaluating our progress while also giving ourselves permission to modify our goals as needed, we have a much better chance of continuing our lifestyle changes throughout the year,” Gregg said.

Set positive goals, take simple steps, evaluate your progress and adjust as necessary – 2017 can be a year of healthy success!

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.

Originally published Dec. 20, 2016.

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What is Personalized Nutrition? Is It Right For You? Thu, 07 Jun 2018 19:58:01 +0000 There’s a big difference between an off-the-shelf diet and a nutrition plan personalized just for you. “We’ve all been there before… our best friend or co-worker has told us about a diet that has worked great for them. Perhaps they’ve even given us a great website to reference or a book to follow…but is it...

The post What is Personalized Nutrition? Is It Right For You? appeared first on Best Food Facts.

There’s a big difference between an off-the-shelf diet and a nutrition plan personalized just for you.

“We’ve all been there before… our best friend or co-worker has told us about a diet that has worked great for them. Perhaps they’ve even given us a great website to reference or a book to follow…but is it appropriate for us?” says Sheena Quizon Gregg, a registered dietitian nutritionist and assistant director of the Department of Health and Promotion and Wellness at The University of Alabama.

A unique diet plan designed just for you is much different than a menu or exercise schedule from a book, she explained. Gregg is a Best Food Facts expert and gave us an inside look at what it’s like to meet with a dietitian.

“Personalized nutrition takes into account your personal health needs including the consideration of your personal health history, family health history, and what your health goals are. What might be a great pattern of eating for someone else, could be unhelpful or potentially dangerous for another person due to a certain health condition such as diabetes or kidney disease,” she said.

Perhaps your doctor has recommended you meet with a dietitian because of health concerns. Or maybe diets you’ve tried just aren’t working. The idea of talking to a professional about your weight and the food you eat can be intimidating. Won’t they just tell you to give up bread and French fries and everything else you love? Gregg works with clients regularly and shares some encouragement.

“I believe personalized nutrition can be very liberating for people and provide an eye-opening experience that in reality, healthy eating does not have to be as limiting or depriving as they perceive,” she said.

If you’re ready to take the plunge, keep in mind one critical key for success:

“Being as honest as possible with your dietitian about your current eating behaviors and lifestyle can ensure that they will make recommendations that are practical for you and you are able to execute these recommendations as a long-term lifestyle change,” Gregg said.

Getting Started

Your doctor’s office is a great place to start to find a registered dietitian. Also check with hospitals, fitness facilities and private practices. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ Find an Expert lets you search by zip code.

Once you take the first step and make an appointment, your dietitian will want to get to know you in order to create a plan that will work.

“You can expect your registered dietitian nutritionist to spend a lot of time getting to know all about your lifestyle. This can include work schedule, budget, living situation, and food preferences, so expect your dietitian to ask you a lot of questions on your first visit,” Greg said.

Medical information to provide:

  • Height and weight
  • Blood pressure
  • Body fat percentage,
  • BMR (basal metabolic rate),
  • Lab work that may have prompted your visit (such as a lipid panel revealing elevated cholesterol)

Arrange for your primary care physician to provide a copy of lab work or medical information.

“Your dietitian’s job is to make recommendations that are helpful specifically to you by considering your lifestyle and your personal long-term health goals,” she said.

Set Up For Success

Working together, you and your dietitian can identify the goals you want to achieve and work toward. Gregg explained that this flexible structure means that you can become independent in making food choices.

“A menu plan taken from the internet or from someone with less training tells people what to eat at certain times of the day but often does not explain why certain foods are being combined or what the actual benefit is, unlike a nutrition plan created by a registered dietitian nutritionist,” she said.

The greatest benefit of a nutrition plan is that the goals are specific to your needs and health conditions.

“For example, someone with a chronic kidney condition often has to limit or eliminate many types of foods that would traditionally be seen as very healthy. This is why I discourage my patients from receiving diet and nutrition advice from a friend or family member with good intentions because that person may not have the medical training to understand the intricacies and complications of that individual’s health condition,” she said.

Personalized nutrition is not just about what foods to eat. It’s a lifestyle approach that incorporates fitness.

“The biggest fitness tip that I love giving my patients is encouraging them to find an activity that they enjoy doing and provides the least amount of obstacles to do,” Gregg said. “Many folks believe they have to have a gym membership doing a high-intensity workout routine to start being more physically fit. Something as simple as power walking in the neighborhood can be a great way to begin physical activity because no equipment is required and can be done in most any place.”

A final word of encouragement from Gregg:

“A nutrition plan can help provide flexible structure to someone’s eating while providing nutrition education in a way to set a client up for being independent and successful in his/her food choices.”

Personalized nutrition is not just for athletes or Hollywood celebrities. Registered dietitians can work with anyone to set and work towards personal goals to create a healthier lifestyle.

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.


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E is for Exercise Tue, 24 Sep 2013 05:00:00 +0000 http://localhost:32798/e-is-for-exercise-2/ Exercise is good for everyone! How much exercise should we be doing? What about nutrition before, during and after exercise?

The post E is for Exercise appeared first on Best Food Facts.

Should you eat before or after you exercise? When it comes to working out, there’s more to it than just applying for a gym membership. Check out the infographic below for the details on how much exercise you need, how nutrition plays a role and what you should eat before and after workin’ on your fitness.

Questions about exercise that we didn’t answer in this infographic? Let us know in the comments below or ask an expert!


The image “Fitness Center” by Cantur City Hotel is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

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