Comments on: Health and How-Tos of Homegrown Tomatoes Mon, 26 Feb 2018 21:18:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jan Cross Thu, 17 Aug 2017 13:40:00 +0000 A. Henneman : quoting E. Pivonka that “home grown produce may have only a small nutritional advantage over store bought.” Much more could have been said on this matter as “home grown ” could be like our friend Earl who has used Sevin on his garden’s tomatoes for years and i am sorry to say, Earl is now suffering from a myriad of ailments (neurological, skin rashes). Using herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides does more though than add toxins to veggies and fruit. Though that is a real problem. Do not forget that the largest food poisoning event in NA was not from salmonella or e. coli, it was from people ingesting watermelons that were taken from fields in CA after a over spraying of TEMIK (aldicarb).” 2,042 reported cases of people who sought medical attention and 6 deaths, 2 still births” (Scientific America, “Toxic Pesticide Banned After Decades of Use).

TEMIK was taken off the market 2 yrs. ago, was heavily used by SE USA peanut growers however it is known that planters stock piled it and it is still in use, FL even allowing its use with a “permit”. Use of pesticides injures and kills the biotic realm of soil. A plant will grow but the nutrition of the plant is greatly compromised when all of the enzymes, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients are not delivered via the hundreds of chemical exchanges that occur every day between a plant’s roots and the living organisms of the soil. Human dispensed fertilizer is only supplying necessary minerals to a plant. if you are going to be spewing out information to the your homework what soil scientists have to say and using the word “organic” will not cause your tongue to rot and fall off.
