Comments on: Are Hormones in Milk and Meat Making Kids Bigger? Fri, 24 Nov 2017 07:32:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Fenrir Frost Fri, 24 Nov 2017 07:32:00 +0000 // In reply to Tom Baker.

???????? ^ ^

By: davea0511 Sat, 22 Jul 2017 18:27:00 +0000 // In reply to Best Food Facts.

Or in otherwords, yes Lithgowflash, Etherton is very possibly bought and well paid for. The industry ties with institutes like Penn State are as well established and documented as they are with professors that are “internationally recognized experts”. Where do you thing the monies come from to generate that international reputation? Yep, the largest industry in the world: food and drink. The 3rd largest industry in the US? I’m glad you asked. It’s pharmaceuticals clocking in at $900 billion (soon to be 1 trillion) per year and growing at about 8% per year.

By: Tom Baker Thu, 13 Jul 2017 15:22:00 +0000 // Exactly! Hormones are everywhere! Plants, fish …you name it ! I mean great example about Insulin, we produce Insulin! Lol
Its not like there’s loads of body builders who’ve had dramtic adverse effects from injecting it, like distended guts and abdominal deformities .
But wait , I can’t say that can I ? Surely I’ve missed the point that the Dr is making that hormones are found every where naturally! Oh NATURALLY thats an interesting word isnt it , just because we can’t at the moment prove, that these absurd, crippling doses of hormones/steroids on animals have detrimental effects on humans we can confirm they do on animals , and to dismiss concerns defies logic, especially from ” enquiring minds” , it doesnt take a genius to go , you know what ,these animals are living disgusting lives we abuse them with drugs and hormones which deforms them, then we eat them , and we expect there to be no consequences? Just because we cant detect them doesn’t mean the issues aren’t real. Its comes down to common sense , compassion and empathy . Pherhaps its a form of cognitive dissonance ? Still very poor . Its interesting that his entire blog, is just pro hormones , its also interesting that Bovine somatotropin (rBST) is banned in the EU, Canada, the UK, New Zealand, Australia and even India .
But go a head trust the obese shill, he seems so jacked about the US food economy even though most Americans like himself are huge and dying from obesity, whilst also having 90% of beef treated with these hormones , HHMMMMMMMMMMM.

By: Best Food Facts Fri, 21 Oct 2016 13:12:00 +0000 // In reply to lithgowflash.

Lithgowflash, thanks for being part of Best Food Facts! Dr. Etherton is a professor at Penn State and an internationally recognized expert for his research.

By: lithgowflash Fri, 21 Oct 2016 04:58:00 +0000 // Is it possible that Dr Etherton is in the pocket of the Multi-National Corporations ?
